Part 12

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I woke to the sound of footsteps dashing across my cell followed by indistinctive shouting. I had no idea what was going on. I could hear faint gunfire off in the distance. I sat upright and looked at the door hoping that it was someone here to save me.

I could hear some men shouting it was in Russian so unfortunately, it was Hydra. I went to stand up but all the strength in my body had deteriorated over the past month. I collapsed down onto the floor.

Suddenly the noises stopped. I looked over to my door hoping that someone would burst in and rescue me.

I lay on the cold floor for a few minutes I was exhausted the night before I got barely any sleep as usual. I was trying my best to stay awake my eyes struggling to stay open.

The sudden sound of footsteps made me wake up fully. Thinking it was Hydra I dragged myself into the corner slowly and pulled my knees to my chest awaiting punishment.

The door swung open hitting the wall behind it. I waited for them to walk up to me and grab me but there was nothing. I slowly lifted my head up all I could see was a giant silhouette.

"Leave me alone" I screamed as much as my voice would let me, my voice was hoarse.

"Y/n it's me" I heard a voice say.

It was Steve he stood in the doorway tears were welling up in his eyes. I went to stand up but collapsed straight away. Steve ran to my side and picked me up bridal style holding me close.

"Steve you came," I said my voice was quiet and hoarse.

"Of course I wasn't going to lose you" Steve whispered sadly.

He carried me into the jet holding me close to him. He placed a kiss on my forehead and I buried my head into the crook of his kneck.

"I thought you wouldn't come" I sobbed.

"Of course I would come Y/n, I would never leave you behind" Steve whimpered.

"I missed you so much," I said.

"God I missed you too," he said with a soft chuckle.

I wrapped my hands around his kneck and buried my head deeper into his neck, tears rolled down soaking into his shirt but he didn't care he hold me close. I didn't want to sleep but I let my exhaustion take over me and I fell asleep in Steve's arms.

Steve's POV:

I looked down to Y/n who was asleep she looked small and frail her skin had gone pale. She looked broken. Sam came over to me and gave me a warm smile which I responded with one.

I didn't put Y/n done for the whole flight allowing her to sleep as I don't think Hydra gave her much. I was just so glad to have her back but I was worried how much they had damaged her.

Buy the look of it she had hardly eaten and she had a few bruises and cuts over her body which would be checked out when we get back and her eyes had gone sunken in and she had huge bags under her eyes. But for now, she was sleeping finally back in my arms where she should be.

When the plane landed I carried Y/n to the medical wing. Bruce already had a room set up for her. He put in a IV drip and gave a quick examination Y/n didn't even wake up.

"She's dehydrated and a little bit malnourished, she has a few cuts on her but I've cleaned those and they will scar over that's all the physical injuries," Bruce said tucking his pen into his chest pocket.

"Physical injuries?" I said.

"She's gone through a lot of emotional trauma, look Steve just don't expect her to be the same person when she wakes up." Bruce sighed.

"Yeah I know" I muttered looking down at her sleeping figure.

I took a seat next to Y/n in the bed and scooted it over to her side. I was exhausted and realistically I needed sleep but I wasn't going to leave her side. Not again. I was going to stay here until she woke up.

Bruce told me that she would probably sleep through till morning and that when she woke up she would be incredible panic. Which scared me but I knew that I would be there to calm her down.

I sat next to her bed through the night drifting in and out of sleep. Finally, it was morning and I was nervously waiting for Y/n to wake up.

I looked over to her and her eyes started to flutter. She slowly opened them and looked over to me.

Your POV:

My eyes fluttered open and all I could see was white light. I blinked a few times and it went away I looked to my left and saw Steve sitting next to me he had a beard covering his face but I knew it was him.

"Steve" I managed to whisper my voice was still hoarse.

"Y/n you're awake," Steve said taking his hand in mine.

"What about Hydra?" I asked.

"They're gone but we don't know about lady Hydra" Steve sighed.

"As long as lady Hydra is alive Hydra lives on," I said sadly.

"I know love, we're trying to track her," Steve said

"I can't keep putting you guys in danger" I sighed looking down to my lap.

Steve took my hands in his and held them gently whilst slowly massaging my hands. He looked at me with a small sad yet sympathetic smile.

"You aren't putting us in danger Y/n we choose to protect you," He said.

"That's the thing you shouldn't have to protect me, Steve, I shouldn't put you guys in harm's way," I said.

"We're Avengers Y/n it's our job" He sighed.

"Your job to protect the people who need it I'm strong enough on my own to protect myself," I said a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"I know you're strong enough but you don't have to be alone" Steve whispered.

Steve slowly lifted up our hands and placed a soft kiss on my hands before returning them back down onto my stomach.

"Because I'm not running away from this," He said softly.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now