Part 3

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I sat on my bed in the cell, I hadn't been given a clock so I didn't know what time of the day it was. Yesterday when I was put in here I basically fell asleep straight away I was exhausted and glad to finally get some good sleep.

Now I was just sitting on my bed staring up at the roof fiddling my thumbs. I heard a slight knock on my window and I turned to face the glass. It was the Captain or who I learned his real name was Steve Rogers.

"You're not meant to be here" I shrugged.

"I came to ask you a few questions," Steve said looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Like what surely Fury's little questioner gave you all the answers," I said letting out a light chuckle.

Unlike the others in Hydra, I actually have a sense of humour. It became my way of coping with things. I knew that there was hardly a chance of me being let out so I just had to learn to deal with it. Of course, that didn't make all the trauma go away but it made it a bit easier to deal with.

"I'm confused, if you were born into Hydra why aren't you loyal to them?" Steve asked he seemed truly perplexed.

"I'm not loyal to anyone and if I was it wouldn't be to an organization who tortured me for years," I said shooting him a condescending smile.

"Makes sense," Steve said sheepishly.

"Fury might want to talk to you later just giving you a heads up, he mentioned something about a psych evaluation," Steve said.

"Great now you all get to see how crazy and fucked up I am," I said with a small laugh.

"Fury just wants to see if we can trust you and put you on the field," Steve said.

If I'm honest I didn't want to go back out in the field. It would be better if Hydra thought that SHIELD had captured me and I was dead. I didn't want to fight anymore.

"What if I don't want to fight with you guys," I said looking at him dead panned.

Steve looked down at the floor his hands rested on his hips and he let out a deep sigh his blonde hair fell over his face coveringhis rather attractive facial features.

"Then I don't know if they'll keep you longer, they need you on this team," He said looking back up at me his blue eyes looked sad and didn't shine as bright as I saw them before.

"You must be pretty desperate if you're coming to a murderer for help," I said.

"You're not a murderer you were put into a bad situation and you did everything you could to survive," He said he seemed to be upset about what I said.

"Maybe I shouldn't have survived" I muttered under my breath.

"Don't say that" Steve said sternly.

"Why do you even care, I killed hundreds of people, Rogers, I'm nowhere near a hero like the rest of you," I said.

"Look just talk to Fury" He sighed looking at me with a pleading look.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I said a hint of sadness escaped into my tone.

"Not really" Steve replied.

Steve gave me a curt nod before walking off leaving me alone once again. I didn't really mind being alone sometimes in Hydra I would be left alone for days with no company. Of course, there were guards outside my door but they weren't exactly fun to talk to.

About an hour later Fury walked in along with a woman. She had dark brown hair and she held out a tablet in front of her.

"I negotiated with the team," Fury said.

"We want you to join Y/n," Fury said.

"How do you know you can trust me?" I asked him.

"Well based off of everything you've told us your files we've kept on you, your story adds up. Also, Rogers trusts you and I trust his judgment" He said.

I didn't know what to say should I join Fury's circus. It would be a chance to make up for the things I've done in Hydra. I don't really have anywhere else to go either.

"Fine I'll join your crew on one condition we take down Hydra," I said.

"Deal, Don't let me regret trusting you," He said his tone was stern and let me know that he was very serious.

Fury walked over and unlocked my cell. I slowly stood up and walked outstanding. Just outside the doorway.

"Your skillset will be put to good use," Fury said.

Fury headed for the door and signalled his head for me to follow him. I followed Fury out and he leads me to the room where the rest of the Avengers were. I recognized them from Hydra files. I used to be forced to think of them as enemies but now I guess they are my teammates, my friends.

"Y/n these are your new teammates," Fury said extending his hand on towards the heroes which stood before me.

He introduced them all. Natasha the Black Widow, Tony Stark/Ironman, Bruce the Hulk, Clint/Hawkeye, Sam Wilson AKA Falcon and then of course Steve.

"Hey" Natasha greeted you and shook your hand.

"Hi" I replied back with a small smile.

"Ok quick question why is she on the team now yesterday she was locked up?" The billionaire asked rubbing his head.

"Look I want to destroy Hydra as much as you do that put me through hell I'm in no way workingwith them if that'swhat you think," I said seriously.

"How do we know you're not lying," Tony asked again tilting his head slightly to the side.

He was annoying he may be Ironman but that doesn't mean I can't beat his ass. Any other time I would have punched the smug look of his face but I didn't I held myself back.

"Tony drop it" Steve intervened.

"Whatever I have to go," Tony said.

Tony walked out and left the room. Steve apologized for his behaviour apparently he's always a bit of an asshole.

"Y/n you will be sharing a room with Steve, we need someone to keep an eye on you at all times," Fury said.

Seriously someone to keep an eye on me. I'm not five years old. But I knew were Fury was coming from he still couldn't trust me fully yet.

"Fine" I shrugged.

"Here I'll take you to my room," Steve said.

He leads me to his room it was really big and much flashier than I was used to. There was a bed on the other side of the room for me.

"I'm sorry about this whole thing" I apologized to Steve I felt bad for having to sleep in his room.

"Honestly don't worry about it I volunteered" Steve waved it off.

Wait Steve volunteered to keep an eye on me? Why would he do that I tried to kill him? I decided not to dwell on it.

We both said goodnight and I lay down in my bed. I just hoped I would have a peaceful night of sleep for once in my life.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now