Part 18

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My head was on Steve's chest listening to his heartbeat, feeling his chest rise and fall slowly.

"I'm sort of glad she's dead, I mean I would have liked to do it myself or at least got some information out of her but I'm glad the bitch is dead" I sighed.

"Language" Steve lectured me.

"Oh come on you love my dirty mouth" I teased him wiggling my eyebrows.

"I sure do" Steve smirked placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"I'm glad she's gone too now we can rest a little easier" Steve said.

"I missed this, no stress just time with you" I said.

"I could get used to this" Steve said wrapping his hand around my hip bringing me closer to his body.

"Maybe we could get used to this" I said looking I to meet his baby blue eyes.

"Y/n what do you mean?" Steve asked me.

"We could live the simple life" I said.

"It's not that easy Y/n you know that, I know I said that we could live on a farm or something simple but it's too hard for us" Steve sighed running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"I know Steve but we'll keep it as normal as possible" I whispered.

"As normal as two Avengers can keep it" Steve chuckled lightly.

"Well we can try our best" I teased.

We stayed silent for a little while. Just calm and content. I traced circles along Steve's bicep whilst he ran his finger through my hair his other arm wrapped around my waist holding me down close to him not that I minded. Or lets were tangled together not that either of us bothered to move them.

"Can I ask you something?" Steve asked me.

"Anything" I replied looking up to meet his gaze.

"Will you marry me?" Steve asked.

I opened my mouth to reply but Steve cut me off. I sat up slightly looking at his blue eyes.

"Look I know this isn't a good proposal with no ring but I wanted to do this now before I chicken out. I love you so much Y/n, this is probably moving so fast but we have never really been the ones to move slow now have we. I love you so much baby" Steve said with a light chuckle a singular tear ran down his cheek.

"I already know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you Y/n because i can't live without you. Heck you're my soulmate my other half. No I don't have a ring or a cheesy proposal on the beach but Y/n L/n will you marry me?" Steve said.

A smile grew across my face.

"Yes Steve I will" I said with a chuckle.

I could see a rush of relief come across his face. I leant forward and crashed our lips together. He smiled into the kiss and ran his hands up to the back of my kneck. I was going to marry this man.

I never thought this could be possible. I mean an ex assassin marrying Captain America? It didn't seem like it works but it does. I loved Steve so much. I have never felt love before I knew Steve and I know that I dont want anyone else other then him.

I pulled back slightly and cupped Steve's face in my hands my thumb lightly caressing his cheek which was covered in a blush.

"This was perfect Steve I don't want no silly proposal this is perfect, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you" I said with a smile.

"I love you so much" Steve smiled lovingly.

"I know" I teased.

Our lips crashed together again. Our lips melted together and my hands roamed up Steve's chest going over every single one of his abs. I could feel Steve's increasing heart beat under my hands I smirked knowing I was the only one who could have this effect on him. Steve's hand went to the bottom of my shirt pulling it above my head. I lifted my arms up allowing him to pull it off. He looked at me a smirk coming across his lips.

"You ready future Mrs Rogers" Steve said his voice was husky.

"Of course this will be our first of many" I replied.

*well you know what happens next (;*

I looked up to Steve who was staring down at me I was cuddled up to his side a thin sheet was covering our bodies. It was hot but neither of us dared to move away from eachother both of us finding odd comfort in the heat radiating off our bodies.

"I should get you a ring" Steve said.

"I don't need a ring Steve as long as I'm with you I'm happy" I said with a smile.

"I know but I still want to get you one so everyone knows your mine" Steve smirked.

"So Captain America does get jealous" I teased him.

"Of course when your girl looks so good" He said looking down at me.

"If you want to you can get me a ring Steve but I don't need one as long as in with you" I said to him.

"I love you" Steve said.

"You say that to me every day silly" I chuckled up to look at my lovesick now Fiancè.

"It never becomes un-true" He said.

"Well then I love you too" I smirked placing a kiss on his soft pink lips.

Steve pulled me onto his lap and had his hands on each side of my waist rubbing the sides of them. He looked up at me with a mixture of love and lust.

"Round 2?" I smirked.

Steve eagerly nodded.

Assassin - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now