Part 15

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We headed into the meeting room. Tony was standing up in the front of the room he looked exhausted, probably hasn't slept at all. Well, he never did if I'm honest. I took a seat next to Steve.

"We have a lead on lady Hydra," Tony said with a tiny smirk.

"Really what is it?" I asked quite happy.

"FRIDAY notified us, CCTV caught her entering Moscow, Russia. It's not much but it's made our search area much smaller" He said.

"So she's gone back to Russia?" Steve asked tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Knowing her she's going into hiding until she can formulate a plan or to get more allies," I said.

"So she's playing the waiting game," Tony said.

"Seems like it" I shrugged.

I was kind of glad that lady Hydra was in Russia I knew that she probably wouldn't attack soon so I could relax at least for a while at least.

"Do we know where she is in Moscow?" Steve asked.

"I'm not sure exactly" Tony sighed.

"She might be at some sort of safehouse an old Hydra base even" I suggested.

I knew that Hydra had heaps of safehouses in case that any agents covers were blown. Or just in case something bad happens. The annoying thing is, is that I don't know where they were. I was a skilled assassin in Hydra and never had any need for a safehouse. Looking back now I should have been a crappier agent.

"Do you know where any of the safehouses are?" Tony asked me.

"Unfortunately no" I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"But you were in Hydra how do you not know?" Tony asked sounding incredibly impatient.

"I never had the need to use a safe house, we only get told the locations of them if we need them," I said my tone was incredibly condescending.

"Oh right because you were so good at killing people that you didn't need protection" Tony rolled his eyes.

"Where's this coming from Tony?" I said angrily.

"Sorry, I'm just angry at this" Tony said angrily.

"Then don't take it out on her Stark," Steve said standing up over me like an overprotective guard dog.

"I'm sorry captain righteous that your girl can't help us end Hydra for good," Tony said sarcastically.

"Shut your damn mouth Tony," Steve said slamming his hand on the table, I had never seen him so angry.

I grabbed ahold of Steve's arm and held onto it rubbing it slightly making his tense muscles relax.

"Or what?" Tony said puffing up his chest.

"Just back off Tony, you're tired and not thinking straight," I said pulling Steve back a little bit.

"I know you're stressed Tony but don't take your anger out on other people" Steve sighed.

"Look I'm sorry ok just with this whole Hydra stuff I'm really stressed out," Tony said.

"We all are Tony but we can't take it out on each other we don't want a civil war happening," I said.

Steve and I left Tony before he would do something the two of them would regret later. Everyone in the team was feeling the stress which made us susceptible to arguments but we had to stay strong and band together. No matter how much Tony got on my nerves we have to have him on our side if we want a chance to beat Hydra.

"Hey it's ok" Steve whispered.

"I know it's just everything is so stressful at the moment" I sighed.

"I know but don't worry I'm here for you all the way," Steve said.

"I know you are" I replied with a small smile.

Steve wrapped his arms around me and brought me close to him my head resting on his chest.

"I just wish all of this shit could end" I mumbled.

"I know and once all of this is over we can finally relax," Steve said.

"It's not that easy Steve" I sighed.

A took a small step back from Steve so I could see his face his arms still wrapped loosely around my waist.

"Steve you're a superhero it's never just going to be relaxing and easy and for me well, I can't really have a relaxing life" I sighed.

"Y/n, I know it's hard but I want to live a simple life and yes ok I may not be able to escape this life but I'll do my best to be as normal as possible. Like Clint he has his family on the farm" Steve said.

"Steve I can't have a normal life my past follows me wherever I go," I said sadly.

"Hey, hey we can deal with this ok and I promise once this is over I will give you the most normal and boring life you could ask for," Steve said letting out a sad chuckle.

"Like adopting a dog kind of suburban lifestyle," I teased.

"Exactly or we could take a page out of Barton's book get a nice farm," Steve said.

"I think I'd like that," I said.

Steve brought me back into his embrace. All this talk about us living a normal life has me thinking. Am I capable of having one? Unlike Steve I've never had a normal life, I'm now a part of the Avengers and before that an assassin at Hydra.

I'm not really the typical girl to start a life and live happily ever after. But I want to try. I want to have stability and even possibly a family. I also hope that it will be with Steve. I mean we haven't been together for that long but it feels so right. I was a puzzle and Steve was the missing piece and as cliche as that sounds it was one hundred per cent true.

"I love you, Steve," I said.

"I love you too" Steve replied.

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