Nightmares and Hair Brushing

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, Panic! At the Disco, or any of the music!

Summary: This is going to be after the last episode but before Nick gets possessed by Caleb. Julie has left the boys in the studio to go to bed and she is going to have a nightmare that leaves her shaken up. Luke will come and comfort her. This has some sweet fluff.

Julie was sitting in bed, processing the adrenaline from playing at the Orpheum. The freaking Orpheum! She still couldn't get over the fact that she sang in front of hundreds of people and opened for Panic! At the Disco! And now she could touch her bandmates? Could this day get any better!? Though Carlos found out that her band was made of ghosts from 1995 and that took a lot of explaining, he agreed to keep it a secret and not make a YouTube channel out of it. Julie texted Flynn for awhile about the nights events and she promised to go more into detail in the morning since she was extremely tired. Julie plugged in her phone and got into her dinosaur tee-shirt and some sweatpants for bed. She took off all of her makeup and jewelry but she didn't bother to undo her two French braids since she would just deal with it in the morning. She crawled under the covers and let herself drift to sleep.


Julie walked into the garage to see the guys laying limp on the floor, coughing and groaning in pain as the shocks kept coming in quick waves. "No, guys! Please! Go take Caleb's offer! Do something! Don't let yourselves die! Don't die for me." Julie screamed but none of them moved. She ran over to them and tried to shake each of them awake but none of them stirred. By now, she was full on sobbing. "Please... Don't leave me." Alex was laying on his side with his eyes closed. Reggie was laying flat with all of his limbs stretched out with his eyelids open so she closed them. But the worst one of all was Luke. He was leaning on his favorite couch, clutching his stomach, his face scrunched up in pain. She put her head on his shoulder and let all of her tears out, until she felt him shove her back. "Luke! You're ok!" Julie felt so relieved that he was ok. "No thanks to you!" He spat out. She was so stunned at his harsh words that she fell back. "This is all your fault Julie!" Luke yelled at her. "What?" Julie asked in a small voice, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "You heard me! You killed them!" Luke yelled at her, getting up to stand on his feet so that he was towering over her. "You were the worst thing to ever happen to this band! We only used you to be visible! You can't even sing! I wish we never even met you! I wish I never met you!" Luke kept walking closer, causing a scared Julie to crawl back. "I hate you! Do you hear me? I hate you! This is all your fault!" Luke had backed her into a corner and he brought his hand back and slapped her straight across the face. 

Julie awoke with a panicked "No!", her chest heaving. She brought her knees up to her chest and put her head between them to try and ease the nausea that came with her sudden awakening. She just hoped that she hadn't been loud enough to wake up her family. She heard the familiar sound of teleportation and she saw her three ghost friends pop into her room. They all rushed over to her and asked what was wrong simultaneously. Alex sat at the foot of her bed, Reggie crouched beside her and Luke was sitting on the unoccupied side of her bed. "Oh nothing. I'm fine. Just a little dream." Julie said with what she thought looked like a smile though to Luke she looked like she had been to hell and back. "Julie. We know you well enough to know that you're lying. What really happened?" Alex asked, taking her hand in his. Julie smiled for real at the gesture. "It was a nightmare. It shook me up quite a bit but I really am ok now. I don't need to talk about it." Alex nodded and let go of her hand. "If you need anything, know that we're here for you." Reggie said, patting her on the shoulder. The bassist and the drummer both left, leaving just Luke. "I know you don't want to talk about it and I'm not going to push you, but is it ok if I stay for awhile?" Julie looked over to Luke who was playing with the ends of her braids. She nodded to him and he crawled further onto her bed so that he was sitting behind her. Luke leaned over to grab the hairbrush that was sitting on her nightstand and started to unravel her two braids, brushing her hair as he went. "What are you doing?" Julie asked but not pulling away from the touch, instead leaning into it. "I thought it would help you relax." Luke said sheepishly. Actually he just wanted to touch her hair and now that he could he wasn't going to waste any time not touching her soft locks. "Thank you, Luke." Julie said. "I would do anything for you, Jules." Luke said, running the hair brush gently through her curls. And then she started crying and so Luke stopped brushing, thinking that he had hurt her. "I am so sorry Julie, I didn't mean to pull too hard." Luke said. "No. It's not that. It's just the dream really freaked me out. You guys were all dead-dead you know? And then you were alive and the others weren't but then you cornered me and said how it was a-all my f-fault and then you h-hit m-me and I just can't t-take it." Julie said, breaking Luke's heart. He wrapped his arms around Julie's waist and took hold of both of her hands. "Jules, I would never hurt you. You are the best thing that's happened to me. I love you." Luke realized what he had said a little too late. Julie leaned back and turned her head so she could look him in eyes, staying curled up in his arms. "You really mean it?" Julie asked with the tremble still in her voice. "Of course I do. You make me feel alive again." Luke said with a smile. He started to lean in and when their lips touched he felt sparks fly. Kissing her had been even more exciting and warm than he had imagined, which he had been doing a lot recently. Her lips tasted like strawberries. It was the best feeling in the world. She was the first one to pull back and when he saw how breathless he made her he smirked. Luke liked seeing her look like this so he kissed her again with the same passion and drive as the first. After they had finished, Julie turned her head facing forwards and she leaned back into his chest. Luke picked back up the brush that he had dropped only moments ago and continued brushing her hair. She sighed in contentment as he continued to play with her hair, singing quietly until she fell asleep. Luke maneuvered them so that she was laying on her side and he was spooning her with his arm around her waist and his face nestled in her disheveled hair and he fell asleep.


When Luke woke up to bright light flooding through her window, he noticed their position had changed overnight. Now Julie was facing him with her head on his chest and their legs were tangled together.  He smiled at her sleeping form and checked the clock. "Julie... Wake up. You need to get up or your dad will start to get worried." Luke tried to persuade Julie out of bed, only to get a groan in response. He kissed her nose and that got her wide awake. Luke laughed. "Hi." Julie said with a grin, stretching her arms out over her head. Luke could get used to waking up next to her. "What time is it?" Julie asked. "Almost 8. Your dad will be wondering where you are soon." Luke said. "Yeah but we still have a few minutes." Julie said. "I like the sound of that." Luke said with enthusiasm, causing Julie to giggle. Luke then pulled the covers over their heads,  rolled so he was on top of her and kissed her neck sweetly. Their legs got re-tangled and they both sighed in contentment. "Julie!" Julie's dad called. "I got to get up now." Julie said with a grimace and she slid out of her bed and picked out some clothes from her drawer. Luke saw that with all of the brushing he did, her hair was really wavy and he thought it was the most beautiful sight in the world. "I will be back in a few minutes. I just got to get changed and talk to dad." Julie said and Luke nodded. She turned and left through the door. Luke groaned and sat up straight in Julie's bed. After a few minutes of studying her room, and trying to memorize it like the back of his hand, Julie walked back in wearing her usual sweater, jeans, and her sneakers with her awesome doodles on them. Luke smiled at the familiar outfit and slid out of her bed to stand next to her. He leaned down and pecked her on the lips. "We should go meet the others in the studio." Luke said and Julie nodded in agreement. "Before we go you're going to need to let me fix your hair or the guys are going to get the wrong idea." She said with a laugh. Luke turned to look in her mirror and saw what she meant. His hair was sticking up in all directions. Julie picked up the brush she had on her night stand and fixed it so that it looked back to normal. She hummed in approval. "Now we can go." Julie said with a bright grin that just made Luke want to kiss her. Luke wrapped one arm around her waist and the other cupped her face. They met each other half way and shared a tender, sweet kiss. Luke broke away and put his chin on top of her head. "I don't wanna leave." Luke whined. Julie laughed at his adorableness. "We have to. The guys are waiting and we have band practice today." When Luke only held on tighter to her slender waist, she caved. "How about you come up to my room tonight. We can get some alone time then. Sound good?" Julie asked and took it as a yes when he pulled away and smiled like a kid on Christmas. "I'll take that as a yes?" Julie said. "That sounds perfect. Maybe this can become our thing?" Luke spoke with a sly smirk. Julie rolled her eyes but said "Maybe" in reply. She walked out to the studio while Luke teleported, reappearing just outside of the garage. When Julie caught up with him he draped his arm around her like everyone does in the movies, which made her chuckle. They walked into the studio for their day of songwriting and band practice.

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