Julie Being a BAMF and a Smol Bean

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, or any of the music!

Summary: Set after the end of season one. Sometimes panic attacks sneak up on Julie when she least expects it and now that she has a chance to slow down and take a look at the past few weeks she finds herself needing to blow off some nervous energy. More like Luke doesn't know how to help Julie when she has a panic attack and he feels useless so he follows her around and comes upon some new information. 

(Sorry guys my titles keep getting longer and longer 😂)

After all of the crazy events with Caleb and playing the Orpheum, it wasn't a surprise that Julie had asked them if they could take a step back and slow down for awhile. Luke had instantly agreed with her and wanted to make sure she was okay after the emotional ringer they put her through. So today, while Reggie was at the grocery store with Ray, Luke, Alex, and Julie were casually hanging out watching some new show and being 'culturally updated'. Luke wasn't really paying attention to the plot at all, more invested in thinking about the future and what it meant for them. They still couldn't be seen but they were now tangible to Julie which was going to make keeping up the whole hologram act a lot harder. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Julie acting weird until her shaky breathing made a squeak next to him. He looked over to see her arms trembling and silent tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes. "Jules? You okay?" He asked, getting Alex's attention. She didn't reply, her breathing starting to quicken and her tucking her knees up to her chest. Luke was full worry mode now. He'd never seen this happen before so he glanced at his band mate for help. Alex met his gaze, then looked back at her form and immediately jumped into action. Alex grabbed her hands. "Julie, breathe. Just breathe. Match my breathing." He started making exaggerated breathing motions, eventually getting her to calm down and stop hyperventilating all while Luke stood there doing nothing but watching. Julie picked her head up from her knees and looked up at Alex. She wiped the tears from her face with her thumb and Luke couldn't help but want to be the one doing it. "Thanks Alex. Haven't had one of those in a couple of weeks." She said laughing darkly. Since she seemed to be better now, he decided to voice his questions. "What was that?" Luke asked carefully, not wanting Julie to feel bombarded. Before she could answer, Alex did for her. "It was a panic attack. I've had a few before but never this intense. My anxiety has only ever been to the point where I pace until I wear a hole in the floor." Julie chuckled at this and it lifted a weight that was on Luke's shoulders. But then he remembered that she had a panic attack which put the weight right back on. "Wait, so you have anxiety?" Luke asked, wanting to know more about what happened. "Yeah. I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember but it really kicked up when Carrie started being mean and my mom got hospitalized. When my mom died I started getting really bad panic attacks and I guess I've just sort of forgot about them since I haven't had one since you guys came. I almost had one the night of the dance but then you guys showed up." When Julie was talking about her anxiety, Luke's heart broke a little. He had never wanted to hug anyone more than he did in that moment. He sat back down on the couch next to her and brought her into his arms. He knew that she was strong but that didn't change the fact that he wanted to protect her from the world and all the hurt it brought. She started to pull away but he wasn't ready to stop holding her so he held on tighter, making Julie laugh. "I'm okay, really." She reassured them. Luke let go and they pulled apart. The room was silent for a minute before Julie stood up. "I'm going to go get changed and then I'm heading out." She made her way to the staircase before Alex stopped her. "Where are you going?" Alex asked. "I'm going to go to the gym. Let off some steam and burn some adrenaline. I'll be back in a few hours." Julie turned around and went up to her room to get dressed. Luke tore his eyes away from where she exited and glanced at Alex. "Do you think she's okay?" He asked, concerned that she wasn't as fine as she seemed to be. "Yeah, I do. She seems to have a good handle on her anxiety and Julie's strong. It wouldn't hurt to watch out for her though." Alex said smiling sadly. He checked his watch and got up from the couch. "Crap. I'm supposed to be meeting Willie in a few minutes. See you later!" Alex said before poofing out. Luke laughed at his friend. He thought about what Alex had said and he wondered what he could do to help Julie. His thoughts were interrupted when the girl occupying his mind came down the staircase wearing workout clothes and her hair tied up in a bun. She was on her phone and Luke guessed that she was texting her dad. Julie glanced up and made eye contact with him. "Where'd Alex go?" She asked pointing to where he had been moments ago. "He said he'd made plans with Willie and had to leave. Have fun at the gym." Luke said. Julie smiled. "Thanks. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone. Bye!" She said waving and walking out the front door, locking it behind her with a click. After about twenty seconds had passed, he decided that he was bored and teleported outside to follow Julie. He had been so useless in her time of need and it was the least he could do to watch out for her. He followed her down and across a couple different streets until she came across a big building that Luke assumed was the gym. He hid behind a plant in the lobby while she talked to the receptionist. "Julie! Haven't seen you in a long time. How are you?" Julie smiled at the lady as she signed herself in. "I'm really good. I'm now in a band so I haven't really had time to visit lately. How are you, Debbie?" She asked. "I'm great. Well have a good time. See you later." Debbie said and Julie made her way further into the facility. Luke continued on her trail, keeping a safe distance away and soon enough she stopped in the section with the treadmills. The place was pretty deserted because it was a Sunday morning so there were only a few other people. Luke stayed out of eyesight and watched as she got on and increased the pace and incline as she went. After about fifteen minutes of straight up running she slowed to a stop and got off, barely breaking a sweat. She left the room and went into another that had different types of core equipment. She spent a good amount of time at each one. Eventually she got too hot and took off her t-shirt, leaving her in just a sports bra. Luke was amazed at her abs and he felt his face heating up as he admired her toned body from afar. He almost forgot to follow her as she left and went to the area where she did pull ups and lifted weights. If this girl had any more hidden talents than he was literally going to die all over again. She moved away from the arm workout area and Julie took the staircase to a whole new section of the gym that led to the boxing area. Luke was ultimately surprised when he saw the sweetest girl he knew, attack a bob dummy, punching and kicking it skillfully until it fell completely over. She kept at this for about an hour, just fighting and showing off muscles that Luke didn't even know exsisted. Julie roundhouse kicked the dummy in the face so hard that it fell over and Luke gasped. She looked up from where she was so in the zone and Luke held his breath, cursing at himself internally. She shook her head and pulled on her t-shirt before she exited the room and made her way to the lobby. Julie said a quick farewell to the receptionist and she walked home. Luke poofed into the studio 'awaiting' her arrival. He thought back to the image of her covered in sweat, flexing all of her muscles that he didn't know were there and he felt the blush cover his cheeks again. How had they not known that there was this whole other side to their sweet Julie? How had he never noticed how physically strong she was? He had so many question but he knew that he couldn't ask them without her finding out about his little adventure. Luke held back his comments for the rest of the day and bit his cheek to keep his jaw from dropping when he got a quick glance at her abs again. He had to refrain from reaching out to feel her muscles but hey, he'll get his moment one day.

(A/N: This is complete crack at the end but that's what happens when you write at eleven o'clock at night on basically no sleep lmao sorry)

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