Tortillas and Panic! At The Disco

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, Panic! At the Disco, or any of the music!

Summary: Well, Julie and the Phantoms opened for Panic! At The Disco but did Julie ever show them their music? This is about her introducing them to the band while making tortillas. (I made tortillas last night while listening to Panic! At The Disco and this idea just slapped me in the brain 😂)

Carlos and Julies dad had to go to Carlos's baseball practice so Julie is tasked with making dinner. She got to choose what they were having so she decided to make chicken fajitas with beans and tortillas. Before her mom died, she had taught Julie how to make this meal and it always brought her family joy when they ate it. She had already seasoned the chicken and put it in the oven, put to beans in a pot on the stove, and made the dough for the tortillas so all that was left was to roll it out into circles and cook them. Her family didn't own a tortilla press so she had to roll them out with a rolling pin. Normally when she cooked she would have her family to talk to but since they weren't here, Julie put on her Panic! At The Disco playlist. The first song was Death of a Bachelor and she sang along while rolling the dough. She was so focused on getting dinner done and singing along to the music that she didn't notice when the boys teleported into the kitchen. They just watched her as she was working and singing. They were all listening to the music and they gave each other a look that told each other that they liked it. Julies hair was starting to fall in her face so she stopped rolling the dough to put it up. She looked up while twisting it into a bun, and was startled by the guys standing in the kitchen. "Guys! Give a girl a little warning before teleporting into her kitchen while she's cooking." Julie said. "We're sorry Julie. What are you listening to?" Reggie asked. By now the song had changed to I Write Sins Not Tragedies. "You remember the band we opened for at the Orpheum? Panic! At The Disco? Well this is them." She said continuing to roll out the dough. "Cool. What're you cooking?" Luke asked. "Dad and Carlos are out at baseball practice so I have to make dinner. I'm making chicken fajitas, tortillas, and beans." Julie said, rubbing her tired shoulder from rolling. "Do you need any help?" Alex asked. Julie laughed. "No offense but I don't trust you guys enough not to ruin dinner." They all looked mock hurt and Julie laughed. She actually could use some help but they still didn't have a good grip on how to stay solid when touching things other than their instruments and Julie. "You guys can have a seat on the bar stools and keep me company though." Julie said. They smiled and went to go sit. The next song on her playlist was This is Gospel. Julie had finished rolling out the tortillas so she grabbed their cast iron skillet and put it on the stove top. While she was waiting for it to heat up, she cut up an avocado, onion, tomato, and garlic and made guacamole. She stopped mid way through mashing up the avocado to put the first tortilla on to cook. Julie placed it in the skillet and went to finish the guacamole. She got the spice rack out of cabinet and put salt, pepper, paprika and chipotle seasoning in. She rushed over to the tortilla and flipped it. The song switched to One of the Drunks and this song was one of Julie's favorites. She absentmindedly started belting out the lyrics while she cooked the tortillas. A timer went off and Julie pulled the beans off the stove. The boys were watching her in amazement. None of them had previously known she could cook and seeing her dancing around the kitchen,  managing so many different things, all while singing, was impressive. The next song was Roaring 20's. This was her moms favorite song before she died and so hearing it made Julie smile. She remembered the boys were still sitting there so she turned to them and asked "So... What do you think about the band?" They snapped out of their trance at the question. "I like them. I didn't know they were this good. Are they popular?" Alex asked. Julie nodded and turned to flip the tortilla. "Yeah. Their songs are on the radio all the time but their better songs are the less popular ones." Dying in LA started playing. "Like this one." Julie started humming along. She started singing when the pre chorus came on. "I actually know how to play this on piano and Flynn on cello." Julie said, grinning at the memory of them playing this as a duet. "We used to play this in school all the time. She would sing the back up vocals and the high parts while I sang the lower part. It was the best." Seeing Julie smile made Luke smile and Luke smiling made Reggie and Alex smile too. Nicotine was next on the playlist. Another timer went off and Julie pulled the chicken out of the oven, the scent of the spices filling the air. "It smells great, Julie!" Reggie said. "Thanks!" She said in reply. Julie finished cooking the last of the tortillas and put them on the table along with the chicken, beans, chips, and guacamole. Don't threaten me with a good time was playing now. This song was a little emo but it hit hard and was her favorite. "This song is my favorite of all of their music." Julie said while starting to dance and singing. Reggie got off the stools first and started to dance with Julie in the kitchen, Luke and Alex joining a minute later. "Wow, Julie. I didn't know you liked such dark music." Luke said teasingly. She rolled her eyes at his antics. Julie and the Phantoms were all dancing in the kitchen. The song ended just as her dad and brother walked through the front door and she turned off the music. The boys waved goodbye and teleported away. "Looks great, honey!" Her dad said when he saw the spread. They all sat down at the table and prayed before digging in.

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