Panic Attacks and Realizations

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, or any of the music!

Summary: AU where Caleb doesn't find the guys before they play at the Orpheum. Julie wont be wearing the dress she is in the show, but not because I don't like it. Julie is nervous before their performance and Flynn is having sushi with Brendon Urie :)

Luke watched as Julie kept checking her appearance in her dressing room mirror, making sure she looked okay though he didn't understand why because she looked drop dead gorgeous. She had reapplied her lip balm at least four times already and they still had twenty minutes until their performance. She was tugging her dark red dress up and then back down. He knew It was a little showy for her taste but Flynn had assured her that it was appropriate for the venue. Luke didn't mind the amount of skin showing at all though he would think she looked pretty in a burlap sack. Julie had her hair pulled up into a ponytail, leaving a few of her shorter pieces out so it framed her face.  It seemed like she hadn't noticed they had been in the dressing room with her for the past two minutes. They had tried to get her attention but she was so in her head that they gave up quickly. Eventually, Reggie tapped her on the shoulder and she almost tripped while turning around to greet them. She was wearing knee-high, lace up boots with very high heels, and Luke guessed it was another one of Flynn's ideas. Thankfully, Julie caught herself before she crashed to the ground. "Hi, guys." Julie said with a smile. "Wow Julie, You look great!" Alex said. "You look totally rad!" Reggie said with a thumbs up, which caused her to smile. He felt something tighten in his chest whenever she smiled and Luke didn't know why. She looked back down at her dress and pulled it up a little. "You think so? I'm not sure. Flynn said its ok but I don't usually show this much skin." Julie said watching their faces closely for their reactions. "You look perfect, Jules. But then again you always do." Luke said with a sheepish smile. "Thanks." Julie said while trying to conceal her blush but not succeeding. When he saw the pink hue come to her cheeks he felt something akin to proud that he was the one to cause the color change. "Julie, is it okay if I talk to you alone for a minute?" Luke asked. Julie nodded and then Reggie and Alex teleported out of the room. "What did you need to talk about?" Julie asked and Luke started walking closer to her. "Nothing specific. I just wanted to spend some time together before we cross over, you know." Julie looked up to meet his gaze and nodded, swallowing hard enough that it was visible to his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Jules. This is all my fault. If I didn't want to get revenge on Bobby then we never would have gone to the club and I wouldn't have missed your dance." Luke said with tears in his eyes. He felt so guilty about getting the band and Julie into this mess. She looked back up at him and he saw that her eyes were glistening too. Before Luke could say anything else, Flynn came into the room telling Julie that she had just had sushi with Brendon Urie and that they were going to need to play a few more songs because Panic was having some minor set backs. "Wait... what? We only have the one song prepared!" Julie said, starting to freak out. "You'll figure it out Jules. Anyway I have to go talk to the lighting guy to set up the lighting cues. Just play one of your past songs and end with the new one. You're gonna do great!" Flynn said, leaving a stressed out Julie. Luke started to worry when he saw one of the most collected people he knew start to pace. "What are we gonna play? What are we gonna do? Oh god, we haven't prepared anything. I can't do this. I can't do this." Julie was muttering under her breath, seeming to have forgotten of Luke's presence. Her breathing had quickened and it sounded like she was on the verge of hyperventilating. "Hey! Julie! Breathe, ok? We're going to do fine. We can play Great, Bright, Finally Free and then end with Stand Tall. I'm going to go tell the others about the situation but I will be right back, okay? Don't worry, Jules." He stopped her from pacing and led her to sitting on the couch and he left to go find Alex and Reggie.


When Luke got back from talking to the others, he saw Julie breathing way too quickly to be normal and tears streaming down her face with her knees brought up to her chest. "Julie? What's wrong?" Luke had no idea what was happening to her. He ran to her side and she spoke at a whisper "P-panic At-tack." Alex told him once that he had had a panic attack but Luke had no idea what to do. It felt like he should be holding her hand or something. Luke wanted to just wrap his body around her, shield her from this cruel world and tell her everything was going to be okay. Luke thought 'Screw it!' and he engulfed her small form in his arms. Not expecting to be able to feel her, he let out a startled gasp. He could touch her! No time to think about that now. Luke held her while whispering sweet nothings in her ear that he knew weren't true but it calmed her down. "You're okay. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here. I've got you." Julie's breathing evened out and her once racing heart returned to its normal pace. She dried her tears with the back of her hand and Luke could feel her muscles relax under him. Luke continued to hold her until she pulled away. "Thank you for uh... for helping me out. I get stressed out over the tiniest things. I'm sorry." Julie said and she looked down at her feet. "Hey." Luke tilted her chin so their eyes met. "You don't need to apologize. And you had good reason to be stressed out. Just know that I've got your back. Always." Julie nodded and Luke placed his arms around her again. In that exact moment, Luke realized that he would do anything for Julie Molina because he loved her.

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