Dances on Rooftops and Almost Kisses

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, High School Musical 3, or any of the music!

Summary: This is after Julie's first dance lesson with Nick in episode six and they are going to have a practice on the roof. This is inspired by the Can I have this Dance? scene in High School Musical 3. Someone requested that I do a Jick one-shot and even though I don't ship them this would be really cute. 


The bell rang and everyone started to file out of the gymnasium. Julie walked over to Flynn just to have Nick follow. "Hey, Molina! Sorry about my horrible dancing in there, I don't have great balance." He said with a embarrassed smile that made something flutter in Julie's stomach. "It's okay. You just need some practice." Julie said, trying to end the awkward conversation. Flynn stopped her before she could flee and continued for her. "Actually, Julie knows the perfect place you two could practice." Flynn said while Julie elbowed her in the side. "I do?" Julie asked with gritted teeth. "Of course you do!" Flynn said with a look that said 'you can thank me later'. Julie rolled her eyes at her best friends antics and turned back to Nick. "Actually I do. Meet me on the stair case near the art room during free period." Nick's face spread into a grin. "Thanks Julie. See you soon!" He said, walking down the hall. 


Julie found Nick at the stair case as the bell signaling free period rang. "Hey. So where is it exactly that we're going?" Nick asked and Julie laughed. "You'll see." She said and offered him her hand. Nick accepted and Julie started pulling him up the two flights of stairs until they were on the roof. "Are we even allowed to be up here?" Nick asked with raised eyebrows. "Probably not but no one ever comes up here anymore. It used to be where the garden club would meet up but then they moved to the field." She said. "So how are we going to do this? Should we start with the routine and work on it as we go or...?" Nick asked, obviously nervous about dancing. "Well you said you needed to work on balance and as Mrs. Jones (A/N: They never mention the dance teachers name so I names her) says, 'the best way to work on balance is to learn how to waltz.'" Julie turned to face Nick and the smile on his face fell. "I can't waltz. I can barely move to a rhythm, much less a counting." He said and Julie squeezed his hand that was still intertwined with hers. Nick started blushing and Julie giggled. "You can dance. You just need to practice and lucky for you I'm one of the best partners around." Nick didn't meet her eyes. "Hey. Do you trust me?" Julie asked, seriously. "Yes." Nick replied in the same tone. "Then trust this." Julie then let go of his hand and walked to the middle of the roof. Nick followed and Julie started singing.

Take my hand, take a breath

Pull me close and take one step

Julie put her hand out and Nick latched on to it like it was his lifeline and inhaled deeply. She pulled him close and positioned his other hand on her shoulder.

Keep your eyes locked on mine

And let the music be you guide

Julie tilted his head so they were making direct eye contact and started stepping back and fourth, waltzing around the area. Nick felt comfortable in this position and started singing along with her.

Wont you promise me (now wont you promise me, that you'll never forget)

We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next

It's like catching lightning

The chances of finding someone like you

They started to get into the song and Nick lifted Julie up, earning a laugh from her. They sat down on a bench and he twirled her around so she could sit on his other side.

It's one in a million,

The chances of feeling the way we do

And with every step together,

We just keep on getting better

Julie pulled Nick up so that they were dancing on the bench and and Nick spun her around while he jumped off.

So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)

Julie leaned down close enough to kiss but pulled away quicker than Nick wanted.

Can I have this dance

Nick dipped her and then spun her around, bridle style.

Oh no mountains too high enough

Oceans too wide

They continued waltzing and Nick spun her around again, their movements in perfect sync.

Cause together or not, our dance won't stop

Let it rain, let it pour

What we have is worth fighting for

You know I believe, that we were meant to be

Nick grabbed both of her hands and they started running in circles together. Julie stumbled forward into his arms after but pushed away, grinning.

It's like catching lightning

The chances of finding someone like you

They ran until they met up again and Nick jumped up on a step so he could pull her up and twirl her around.

It's one in a million,

The chances of feeling the way we do

She got on his shoulders and he lifts her up while spinning, more graceful than any dancing he'd ever done before.

And with every step together,

We just keep on getting better

He put her down and they continued waltzing and singing, both of them having the times of their lives.

So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)

Can I have this dance

They were now slow dancing as the song slowed to a stop and they only now realized that it was raining out. They both started laughing and leaning in. Julie felt the flutter in her stomach only now more intensely than before. Nick's face was heating up in return. "So... How was that?" Nick asked. "Amazing." Julie said. Their lips were almost touching but the warning bell broke them apart and Julie pulled Nick back to the stair case. They sprinted down the stairs, laughing, trying to get to music class on time. They weren't soaked but they were wet and people were staring at them in the halls, but they didn't care. For the rest of the day they wore twin smiles on their faces.

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