Dark Gen Z Humor and Lots of Confusion

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, Snow Patrol, or any of the music!

Summary: Julie and Flynn's science teacher is out to get them and has assigned them a project so big that they are having emotional breakdowns over FaceTime. Basically the guys can't sleep and they are introduced to the darkness of Julie's generation. Just so y'all know this was completely inspired by me finding old memes that I had saved on my camera roll 🤣

There was one thing that the guys had hoped they would be able to do now that they were tangible and that was to sleep. So they were very disappointed when they found out that they couldn't. Flash forward to another night of sitting around the studio, waiting for the morning to come. Alex was reading a book that was apparently about people being forced to kill each other until there was a winner, Reggie was working on one of his country songs, leaving Luke to sit around and try and pass the time by thinking. He was in the middle of wondering about how Julie's headphones connected to the computer if there wasn't a wire when he noticed that her bedroom light was on. If it were any other person he wouldn't have thought twice about it but this was Julie and her father always made sure that she was in bed before 11:00 and it was 1:47 right now. Luke got up off the couch, catching the others attention. "What's up?" Alex asked, placing his sticky note in the book to hold his page number. "Julie's light is on." Luke said. "And that's so important because..." Alex continued, not following on his vague statement. "It's almost two in the morning. Shouldn't she be asleep?" Luke asked. "Maybe she's doing homework or something." Reggie said, putting his red songbook on the coffee table. "Somethings wrong. Even if she had homework she would still be sleeping." Luke motioned towards the light in exasperation, trying to get his point across. He really was worried something was wrong like maybe she was hurt or she had a nightmare and couldn't sleep. There were a thousand bad scenarios running through his mind. "Don't be paranoid, Luke. Julie's fine. If she needed help she would've called." Alex said, waving off the situation. "Would she though? I mean it's Julie, she never asks for help. She is very stubborn." Reggie said and for once Luke agreed with him. "It couldn't hurt to check on her even if it's nothing." Reggie continued and Alex got up off the couch. "Ok, let's go check on her." Alex said and the three of them poofed into the hallway near her bedroom. The lights were off everywhere else in the house, Julie's room the only one still lit up. Luke heard Julie talking to another voice that he assumed was Flynn. Reggie was about to knock on the door but Luke grabbed his arm before he could. He shushed them and listened in on their conversation. 

Julie: Why does Mr. Stevens hate us? Is he trying to make his students fall into depression cause it's working.

Flynn: I know right! This project is tempting me to listen to Chasing Cars while crying in the shower. 

Julie: I've gotten to the point where I have started stress cleaning just to avoid the amount of work we have to do.

Flynn: At least we get to fail together.

Julie: Yeah. If I commit a murder suicide the we wont have to do it.

Flynn: Naw I want to have dignity when we go. Let's jump off a building.

Julie: I literally wanna die it's not even funny. 

The guys gave each other concerned looks and silently decided that they needed to have a serious talk with Julie about her mental health. They phased through her door and Julie clutched her chest and jumped. 

Flynn: You good, girl?

Julie: You know the answer is no. The guys just popped in and scared me. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Flynn: Don't have an emotional break down without me!

Julie: I promise I wont. Bye.

Julie closed her laptop and turned her body so she was facing Luke, Alex, and Reggie. "So what's up guys?" Julie said like she didn't just mention wanting to die. "Are you okay, Julie? You know you can tell us anything." Luke said, brows furrowed in concern. Julie looked confused with her head tilted. "What do you mean?" "We mean that we're worried about your mental health. You just said you wanted to kill yourself." Luke said, crouching down and taking her hand. It took a moment for it to click but when Julie realized what they were talking about she started laughing. "That's just what people say now. We're not being serious. My generation, gen z, we use dark humor a lot." Julie explained, still chuckling from time to time. Luke was less worried than before and more shocked that people joke about such dire things. Seeing her bandmates expressions, Julie pulled up some memes on her phone. "Here. These are some jokes that people make using dark humor. I swear it's not just me." Julie turned her phone around so they could read the memes.

" Julie turned her phone around so they could read the memes

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They stared at the screen in horror at the darkness that these "gen z" people possessed

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They stared at the screen in horror at the darkness that these "gen z" people possessed. "Wait, so this is normal?" Alex asked and Julie nodded. "Sweet." Alex said and Luke and Reggie looked up at him weirdly. "I have dark humor and now I have someone who will appreciate it." He explained and Julie laughed. "I gotta get to bed now if I want to have any energy to work on my project tomorrow." She said, stifling a yawn. Luke realized he was still holding onto her hand and he quickly pulled it away, blushing slightly. Julie seemed to be too tired to notice so thank god for that. "Goodnight guys." Julie said, moving to sit on her bed. "Night, Jules." Luke said while Reggie and Alex waved. They then poofed back into the studio to ponder their new knowledge of 2020. 

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