Julie Meeting Willie and Bonding with Him

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, High School Musical, Vine, Tik Tok, Subaru, or any of the music!

Summary: Set after season one and Caleb isn't a problem anymore. Alex wants to bring Willie to meet Julie and it goes scarily well. Also Willie and Alex are officially dating. Y'all know there is gonna be some vine references and talk about High School Musical. THIS IS COMPLETE CRACK JUST SO YOU KNOW!

Julie was excited about meeting the boy that Alex got all tongue tied about. He was going to bring him by in a few minutes and she was already jittery with nerves. She knew that if Alex liked him so much and the guys thought he was okay than she shouldn't worry but it didn't stop her from being nervous that Willie wouldn't like her. Her concerns were put to a halt when there was the sound of Alex and his boyfriend teleporting into the studio. Julie looked up to take in the sight of Alex holding Willie's hand and she smiled. She made her way over to the couple with Luke and Reggie. "You must be Willie. I've heard so much about you." Julie said, putting out her hand to shake. "And you must be the famous Julie. It's nice to meet you." He said taking her hand with a firm grip. He smiled at her and Julie could tell that he was being genuine. "To be honest I'm kinda relieved you aren't a vsco girl." He said letting go of her. Julie starting laughing and Willie joined in. Alex, Reggie, and Luke were looking between them, confused. "Yeah, I don't really do scrunchies." She said trying to contain her giggles. Julie was honestly surprised that he knew what vsco girls were but it did make sense cause he's been a ghost for awhile. "Here's the real question: Vine or Tik Tok?" She said in complete seriousness. "That's not even a question. Obviously Vine." Willie replied, matching her tone. Julie smiled. "Oh thank god. Good credit, bad credit, no credit, no problem! You dead? Fuck it! Ghost credit!" Julie said, surprising her boys with her language. Quoting vines was one of Julie's favorite things to do and she was happy that Willie wasn't even phased. "I'm gonna get a Subaru!" He finished, making them both break out laughing. Willie recovered first. "All these ghosts. All these ghosts!" He said, prompting her to end it. "And I still can't find a boo!" Julie said, they both laughed so hard that they were crying. Eventually Julie leaned over and grabbed an empty soda can. "Hey Terry. You want some?" She asked putting it out for him to take. He took it in stride and plucked it out of her hand. He looked down at it for a moment. "This bitch empty! YEET!" He threw the can across the studio and chuckled. Julie looked over at the boys who were looking a little freaked out. "Alex, you found yourself a good one." She said and Alex blushed. "I'm so confused. What are you guys saying?" Reggie asked. "You wouldn't get it. I can introduce you guys to it later." Julie said. "My turn to test you now. Favorite High School Musical character. Go." He asked and Julie felt taken aback. "You can't just choose, Willie. Ryan and Sharpay are walking memes, Chad is literally hilarious, Taylor is an icon, Gabriella is the queen of dramatics, Troy is hot and totally dominates golf courses, Zeke is the sweetest person on earth, Kelsi standing up to Sharpay is my role model moment, and Martha's dancing is the absolute best. You can't choose one." Julie said and Willie smiled. "I know. It was a trick question. Real question though. What's your favorite High School Musical song?" Julie took a moment to think and then responded. "If we're talking all three movies than Bet On It but if we're talking just the first one than it would be either Stick to the Status Quo or Breaking Free. Bop To the Top is also awesome but it's hard to sing along to." Julie said and Willie grinned. "You have gone above my standards. Your lucky to have her as your lead singer, Alex." He said, looking at Alex who smiled and nodded. "What just happened?" Luke asked, the three other ghosts still confused. "You guys really missed two amazing decades." Julie said before an idea popped in her mind. "We should introduce them to High School Musical!" Julie said, turning back to Willie. He nodded and Julie walked over to her laptop and pulled it up. "You best know all the lyrics." Julie said and he chuckled. "You think I don't? I could sing them in my sleep." He said and Julie grinned. "Boys, get ready for the movies that defined my life and seeing the best fake basketball playing in the world." She sat down on the couch and the four ghosts crowded around her. She hit play and they watched all three iconic films. Willie and Julie sang all of the songs and Willie may or may not have sung Can I have this Dance to Alex when the time came.

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