Culturing Some Dead Dudes and 1D Being Iconic

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, YouTube, Google, One Direction, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, James Corden, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Tina Fey, The Late Late Show, or any of the music!

Summary: Flynn comes over and references some pop culture things and the guys ask what the heck she's talking about. Cue some explaining and Luke getting jealous. This is after the first season and the guys can make themselves visible when they want. Julie can also touch them.

*You have to watch the video above to get the references if you haven't already seen it*

Julie got off the bus with Flynn trailing right behind her. She realized after the whole fiasco with the boys almost dying at the hands of an insane ghost that she hadn't been spending enough time with her bestie. So when Julie asked Flynn if she wanted to come over for some much needed girl time, it wasn't very hard to get her to comply. The real hard part was going to be getting the guys to leave them alone. Usually she would first go to the studio to check in with them but today she steered them to the front door. Julie got out her house key and unlocked the door. Her dad wouldn't be home for awhile and so they opened the door to an empty house. Well, almost empty. Julie wasn't expecting to see her band all sitting on the couch, apparently waiting for her to get home. She let out a startled yelp and that got their attention. "Are the guys here?" Flynn asked with a sly smirk. Julie clutched her chest and tried to compose herself. "Yeah. I just wasn't expecting them to be here." She redirected her gaze from her friend to the three ghosts still sitting on the couch. "What are you guys doing here?" They got off of the couch, making their way to the pair still standing in the doorway. Luke motioned to the others and they all became visible to Flynn by the sharp gasp Julie heard to her left. "Sorry about that." Alex said to Flynn. "Naw it's good." She replied. "We were just waiting for you to get home so we could work on a new song I've started." Luke said taking a step forwards to Julie. "Can it wait? Flynn and I really need some girl time." Julie said pointing to her friend who nodded, closing the slightly ajar door. "Yeah. Me and my girl haven't had any time to gossip lately. You've been taking up too much of her time." Flynn said while going to the kitchen, Luke following closely. Alex, Reggie and Julie exchanged glances and watched the scene play out. "I promise it wont take long. I just want to run a few things by her first. Then you can have your girl time." Luke said. Flynn didn't dignify him with a response, instead proceeding to raid the Molina's fridge. She started rummaging around obviously looking for something in particular. "Dang it. You guys don't have milk. Better call up Louis and get him to tweet it. We should have some soon." Flynn said completely serious. Julie cracked up at the joke and started giggling. "Sure. Ask for some lottery cards for James Corden while your at it." She replied, ignoring the confused looks from the boys. Flynn turned around and started to laugh too. "What are you talking about?" Reggie asked and both girls took a moment to calm down. "You poor uncultured swine." Flynn said shaking her head and closing the fridge. "I think it's time we introduce you to One Direction." Julie said pulling her laptop out of her backpack. She turned the device on and went to google. "Should we show them the carpool karaoke?" Julie asked Flynn and she nodded. "Obviously! It has James Corden's rap and Harry's high note. And his second one which was a fail." Julie looked up and narrowed her eyes at her best friend. "He did it on purpose and you can't tell me any different." She said and they both laughed. "I'm guessing One Direction is a band then?" Alex said and Flynn held her hand up. "They are a band but they are also so much more. They are a European Icon." She said and Luke looked at Julie questioningly. "Are they like a new rock band?" He asked. Julie chuckled at that. "Not exactly. They are a boy band but they don't dance and they definitely aren't new. The band broke up five years ago." She glanced up and their expressions were all but happy. She pulled up an image of the five. "Here. That's Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. The video we're going to show you is after Zayn left but before the band broke up." She explained, pointing out each member. "Harry Styles is literally the cutest bean ever." Flynn said and Julie murmured her agreement. Luke looked up, now interested in whoever this Harry Styles character was. If he caught Julie's attention than he was obviously gonna have to take some notes and/or make fun of him until he looked stupid. Probably the latter of the ideas. "I've got the video pulled up on YouTube. Come here." She walked over to the couch and sat down. Flynn took her place on the left of Julie and Luke immediately took the spot on her right, much to Reggie's protest. "Aww, come on! No fair. You always hog Julie. Let us have a turn." Julie didn't even look up, so used to the same bickering. Flynn glanced between Reggie and Luke and then to Alex where he just shrugged. Luke was glaring at Reggie but then he smiled. "Ok Reggie you can sit next to her." Julie looked up, shocked that Luke actually backed down. "That resolved fast." Flynn said. She spoke too soon though because Luke only moved behind Julie where he wrapped his arms around her middle and put his head on her shoulder. Reggie moved to sit where Luke had previously been, happy with the new arrangement. Julie blushed bright red and Alex burst out laughing from where he was now sitting next to Flynn. Julie cleared her throat and spoke up. "A-are you guys ready to start?" They all said their affirmations and Luke whispered it in her ear making her shiver. "Ok then. This is a show hosted by the guy driving and he invites celebrity artists to carpool with them and they sing the artists songs. So these are One Directions songs. The host's name is James Corden." Flynn explained. Julie hit play and they started watching intently as they all came into the car. "It's the accents for me." Flynn said clutching her heart. "Shhhhh my favorite song is first." Julie said. Luke had to refrain from laughing at her and how much she loved this band. Why she loved them so much he didn't know. The first song starts playing and it's an upbeat song where Harry started counting them off. Julie and Flynn starting singing along, knowing all the lyrics. "Wait. Does Harry play drums?" Alex asked when he started imitating the drumming. "He doesn't do it often in the songs but he does know how to play." Flynn replied. "Damn he is cute." Alex said and Julie laughed. So far the music wasn't bad but it wasn't really Luke's style but Reggie and Alex seemed to like it so he didn't complain. He had to admit that the Harry dude did have talent. They all started laughing when Liam started yelling at Harry for putting the seat warmers on. Julie leaned into Luke's chest and he started smiling. Louis starts telling the story about tweeting about the milk. "So that's what the joke was about." Reggie says and Julie giggles. The band starts singing another song and Reggie seems to be getting into this one. Flynn falls on the floor laughing when they start to harmonize and Reggie breaks down too. The next song is where Luke started to tap his foot. Julie turned her head and looked back at him. "Don't tell me you're starting to like them now." She was grinning from ear to ear and Luke couldn't help but smile and give in. "Ok, ok. You were right. They are good." The Harry guy hits a high note and Luke can't help but be impressed. "Was that the high note?" He asked. "Nope. Harry goes even higher on the last song." She replies. They watch the rest of the video, cringing during the boy band dance routine part. Julie apologizes for making them watch that part and they just laugh. The boys looked confused at the part where James mentioned Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Tina Fey so Flynn explained it to them. "Tina Fey is an actress on comedy shows, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato are both singers that started off on Disney shows." They nodded in understanding. They watched the next song and listened to their plans for the future. Julie paused it before the last song. "Ok. You need to be prepared because this song is very good and James starts rapping and this is where Harry Styles is going to hit his high note. This is the best One Direction clip you will ever witness so don't ruin it for me." Julie said in complete seriousness. They all said "got it". "She's kinda intense about this." Flynn said to Alex who chuckled. Julie hit play and she started singing along. Luke was a little taken aback at the high note Harry hit but he was even more surprised that Julie hit it just the same. The video came to an end and Flynn and Julie looked at the others. "So... What did you think?" Flynn asked. "I like them. You said they broke up right?" Alex asked. "The tragedy of 2015." Julie sighed. "Broke eleven year old me's heart." Flynn said. "They were alright." Luke said and Julie slapped his arm playfully. "Admit it. You liked them." Julie gave him her puppy dog eyes and he snapped. "Ok, fine. I liked it." She smiled and leaned into him so he tightened his grip around her waist and called it a win. "See aren't you glad I came over." Flynn said to Julie. "Definitely. But we still need our girl time to paint our nails."

(A/N: Sorry about this cringeyness. Just wanted to write about Luke being Jealous of Harry Styles and his talent.)

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