5. Want to move out

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It had been almost twenty days since Taehyung was declared dead and almost thirteen days since Seokjin and Namjoon got Jungkook out of his room. Jungkook hadn't stepped back into his house every since. 

Seokjin had gone in to clean Jungkook's room and get a few clothes for him. But that was it. Even Seokjin couldn't bear to step into that house. He had known Taehyung for the past fifteen years. They had spent a lot of their childhood together in spite of their huge age gap. 

Even when he had moved to Seoul for his higher studies, he never lost contact with Jungkook and Taehyung. When Taehyung had to move to Seoul for his higher studies, Seokjin had offered to live together without hesitation. 

The two of them lived together for two years in the flat that Jungkook and Taehyung lived in for the past four years. When Jungkook moved to Seoul after two years, Seokjin moved in with the guy living in the opposite flat - Namjoon, letting the younger couple live peacefully in the house where he once lived. 

They were just that close. And the idea of not stepping out of his flat to that pretty boxy smile of Taehyung hurt him really bad. He couldn't even start to imagine Jungkook's pain. Even Namjoon knew just how close Jungkook, Taehyung and Seokjin were. 

That was why it came as a surprise to both of them when Jungkook suddenly announced that he wanted to move back to Busan. 

"Where will you go, Kookie? None of our parents live there anymore" Seokjin said after a couple of minutes of dead silence. 

"I will live in Dae Shin hyung's house" Jungkook said, glaring at his food. "But..." Seokjin tensed up. "I know. I won't live with him. I will live in the house beside his house" Jungkook said. 

"But, Kookie.....that will just bring back more memories" Seokjin said, voice breaking. "I know. B-But....I can't l-live here anymore" Jungkook broke down, sobbing into his hands. "I-I don't w-want to forget ab-about him eith-er" he cried. 

"Shh, I know. I get it" Namjoon said, getting up immediately and hugging him. 

"I will live with you for a couple of weeks, okay? Until you find a job for yourself and settle down" Seokjin said, subtly hinting at the fact that he didn't trust Jungkook to live alone right now. He looked at Namjoon, who gave him a nod immediately. 

"T-Thank you" Jungkook's voice broke again. 

"When do you want to go?" Seokjin asked after a couple of minutes. "To-Tomorrow?" Jungkook asked, hesitantly. "Sure" Seokjin said, taking his plate and throwing it in the sink. 

"Will you be okay over there?" Namjoon asked Seokjin that night. "I will. The point is, do you trust me enough to send me there?" Seokjin asked. "I do, baby. I do. I really do" Namjoon said. 

"But....Jungkook is clearly not in a state to talk to the owner about the house. So you will have to do all the talking. Will you be okay?" Namjoon asked with concern filling his eyes. 

"I think so, yeah. I will be fine, don't worry. You can come with us, if you want. To do the talking, I mean" Seokjin said. "Yeah, I think that will be better. I will come with you guys" Namjoon said, leaning forward to capture Seokjin's plump, full lips with his own. 

The next morning, they left as early as they could, hoping to catch the owner as soon as possible. 

Jungkook broke down the second their car turned into the lane they spent their childhood in. "Tae-hy-ung" Jungkook choked out as he got out of the car, squatting down in the middle of the road, between his and Taehyung's house, with his face buried into his hands. 

Seokjin bent down and rubbed his back, silently pointing to each house and mouthing to Namjoon about where all of them used to live.  

"Let's go. I'm sorry" Jungkook said after some time, getting up and wiping his face. "It's okay, Kookie" Namjoon said, patting his shoulder comfortingly. 

"I hope he's at home" Namjoon mumbled as he rang the doorbell with Seokjin and Jungkook standing behind him. 

The door soon opened, with a very irritated Seo Dae Shin standing behind the door. It seemed as if the doorbell woke him up from his slumber. 

But his gaze turned into a frown when he saw Jungkook and Seokjin behind the man who rang the bell. 'What the hell are they doing here?' he thought. But he let them in, nonetheless. 

He and Seokjin nodded at each other awkwardly while Jungkook tried to control his tears once again. Even though Dae Shin had gone slightly crazy because of the loneliness he felt after his parents' death, he was still the person he had always looked up to, more than Seokjin. 

Thus, the second Dae Shin placed a hand on his shoulder and asked him what was wrong, he all but threw himself onto him, sobbing loudly about how Taehyung killed himself almost four months ago. 

Namjoon could swear he saw Dae Shin's eyes tear up. But before he could confirm it, Dae Shin shook his head in a jerk, making his tears disappear with it. 

He noticed how Dae Shin spared literally just one glance at Seokjin during the whole time of their visit. He sighed as he walked out with the other two. 

"I don't have any problem renting it out, but the previous tenant left because he kept saying that the house was being haunted.  It's been almost three months since he left because of the terror" Dae Shin had said. "I don't believe in all that bullshit, hyung" Jungkook had replied to that. 

Dae Shin had sighed at that and had asked him to come for the keys whenever he wanted. "I had the house cleaned. You can move in whenever you want" he had said. 

'He seemed like a really nice guy. If he hadn't behaved that way, he would still have had Seokjin with him. Not that I am complaining!' he thought as he got into the car and started it. 

"Shall we move next week, Kookie?" Seokjin asked. "Okay" Jungkook said, sighing as Namjoon drove off the lane. 

Dae Shin sighed and closed the door and locked it. He walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He didn't have the opportunity to brush his teeth as Jungkook had attached himself to him the whole time. 

He took his time to brush his teeth and comb his hair. He put on perfume on his pajamas before walking into the kitchen. He cooked omelets and ate half of what he cooked and put the other half on a plate before walking to the corner of the kitchen with it. 

He got to his knees and pressed on the corner of the wood board, waiting for the wood to spring up. He hauled it up and took the plate with him. He walked down the stairs and turned on the lights. 

He placed the plate on the table in the room before turning to the figure in the corner of the room. 

"How's my favourite slut doing?" he asked very loudly, a smirk forming on his face. 

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