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*snoopy dance* \(≧∇≦)/

Just felt like doing that. 'Twas fun.

So, as you can see by the title of this chapter, this story is going sad again. Sorry, it's the only way I can write comfortably...

Ya want a happy story? Banana Ice Cream by Mothra97.

Seriously, I don't know why you're reading this, go read her story.

Ensue sadness! *thunder sound*

Also? -Warning: Smut! Don't like? Don't read!-


Robin's POV

I sighed and put my head in my hands. Calculus homework lay strewn on the table in front of me.

The last few days had been torture. That dream came back every night, and the truth of it stood out starkly in my mind.

I love Lucina with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. But Marth...

Marth is, to me...More than a friend...Or at least I wish he was...


A piercing sound shocked me out of my confused reverie, making me start. I could hear a male-sounding scream echo through the apartment building.

I rushed downstairs to look, but there was only a faint trail of blood leading to the door...


Marth's POV

I awoke in a dim room, a single dusty lightbulb providing sickly yellow light. It cast soft shadows on me, just enough to kindle despair.

Something warm and wet, like honey, trickled slowly down the side of my head. I was laying on my back. Though I tried to move, I couldn't. The right side of my head pulsed faintly with pain, but I couldn't really feel it.

A faint musty smell pervaded the room...As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see I was on a bed. It was difficult to make out shapes with my blurry vision.

A light creaking sound echoed through the room and the nutmeg-colored door shut with a click behind a prominent male figure.

He slowly advanced towards me, coming more and more into focus. Suddenly I realized his face was right next to mine. I tried to recoil, but nothing happened. I was forced to stare into his pitch-black eyes.

"Drugs working, huh?" His rich, almost buttery voice soaked me in warmth. I could feel myself heating up, out of my control. "You're a pretty one..." Every word he spoke made me all the more unable to react. His hair, dark and elegant as midnight, only brought out the beauty in his stark white face. His eyes, seeming to shine like the night sky, transfixed me.

I was dimly aware that he had mounted me and was murmuring in my ear. The bass tone of his voice was almost like a drug in itself. "I'll call you Bluejay," he purred. "With that pretty blue hair of yours...I'll make you sing..."

I gulped, feeling his hot and heavy breath tickling my neck. There was a burning fire within me that had to be released, being only fed by his words. "The name's Noir," he growled, letting it roll off his lips seductively. "Have that be the chorus in your birdsong of passionate screams..."

I barely heard his mutters as he moved down to the base of my neck, lips lightly pressing down. He sighed almost dreamily. "Beautiful...alabaster skin...smooth as cream...and I only get you for one night until you're sold..." He slid his hand up my shirt, peeling it off delicately and letting his mouth run over my chest. His hands stroked down my back, long fingers hooking into my belt and pulling it down slowly.

Two Days Too Early To Die (a Marth x Ike Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now