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Sorry for not writing! For like the 50th time!

But I'll try! For you guys! I really will!

If you read from the beginning of this story, you know that I was sick when I wrote the first chapter.

Well, I'm sick again. So.

I swear to Arceus, these bus kids need a slap.


-1 week after-



In the kitchen, Marth's phone buzzed, echoing through the apartment.

Slipping himself out of Ike's embrace, he tiptoed to get it, trying not to wake anyone.

But that was shot to hell when he picked it up.


Ike's POV

I was jostled roughly awake by wide-eyed Marth, who seemed to be breathing hard.

Through my tired stupor I could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he struggled to wake me up.

Instantly I pulled him into a tight hug. His entire body quaked with sobs, and not knowing what was wrong, I clutched him all the tighter.

Finally he calmed, and, trembling in my arms, whispered...

"He's back..."

Alarmed at how cracked his voice was, I stroked his hair nervously. "Who is? What happened?"



Lucina's POV

Ike and Marth had called an apartment emergency. Now we all sat around the little wood table in the kitchen, listening to Marth's frantic voice.

Under the table, I was holding Robin's hand tightly. He was still unstable, and I didn't want anything to set him off.

"For some reason, Noir has my number," Marth muttered. His eyes darted around with fear, and Ike grabbed his hand almost warningly.

"Obviously, he has my address, too," he continued. "And he sent me this. "

Marth held up his phone, showing his texts.

On the screen was:

>You know who it is, Bluejay.
>Come back, or I'll kill them all.

Under that was a picture of the room Marth was in. I felt Robin's grip grow tighter, and, looking over, saw his eyes widen. This was no joke.

"Do you think he can really do it?" I murmured.

The looming silence around the table only affirmed my fears.


Marth's POV

There's only one thing I can do to protect them.

I stared at Ike's sleeping face, leaning in. Slowly, slipping my eyes closed, I kissed him.

Will you miss me?

Will it matter?


forgive me.

And like the moon I was gone.

The chilly air greeted me as the steady beat of my footsteps pounded towards the place I instinctively knew.

Cold gray cement underneath my feet sounded out the rhythm. I wasn't scared. Just resigned.

Finally, breathing hard, I arrived and the decrepit building. This was it.

Leaning on the rotten wood door, pushing inside. I hadn't left a note.

They would never know.

With any luck, they would never care.

The darkness inside, turmoil, pain, regret, and at once I threw it all away.

Like I care.


Upstairs, into the room I had been so out-of-place in.

The dim bulb accented his pitch-black hair, the curves of his body, his shirt slid down over one shoulder to reveal half his chest, one slim arm raised to remove a cigarette from his lips.

In place of it, a smirk, his soft, but low, voice echoing.

"I knew you would come... "

"Bluejay. "


Ike's POV

I woke up, and surprisingly, the bed had been cold.

An ominous wave of nausea washed over me. I started upright and tried to force myself to calm down.

He's not here.

He's not here.

All I could do was keep my hands from trembling as I searched the apartment. I could barely stay steady on my feet. I could hear my breath, in ragged whispers, feeling the universe seem to crack and bend.


There was no indication, no note, he had been gone the entire night. And yet of course I knew where he was.

There was no sign of a struggle, either.

He had gone by himself.

Gone by himself.

To protect us.

"No..." My voice was barely audible, but still it startled me into action.

I rushed to wake up Lucina and Robin as panic overtook me.


I abandoned you guys >___< sorry

But you probably didn't miss me too much. So.

Sorry for short chapter, will update more, etc.

Someone might die. Depends how it goes. But probably not until the end.

So, uh, yeah. Comment, follow, etc. Thanks.

Bye-nee! :3

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