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A little something I've been working on for a while. Not at all related to the main story, just wanted to dump it here for you guys.


Again. Of course. Again.
So I hold it tight, so I can speak to him.
Every second. Every moment. If I'm not with him, the balance is gone.
And then the days repeat and the days repeat and the sun sets and then
and then the game goes on
finally I collapse from "exhaustion"
and because of tiny little pills they can't bring me back into hell or save me from it

Game Over

it's a matter of PURE PREFERENCE.
Sometimes I think that I'd rather
Insane difficulty than this.
as my vision blurs and the pounding in my head threatens to
but it can't compete with the throbbing in my arm
of course
and everything is red
and it hurts and it hurts and it hurts

Game Over

Warily, my fingertips ghost across the white lines.
They're white now. They went from red to pink to white and soon they'll vanish.
But it seems that however deep my claws can go it's not deep enough.
That just makes me pathetic.
The wind blows my hair. It's quite high up.
I scoff as the ground hurls towards me.
"What was it, anyway?"

Game Over

Of course I've thought about it, of course I've told myself that I'll try it.
But then I think, and it seems so selfish and conceited and romanticized like a stupid storybook that I shut my eyes to the matter altogether and let it wisp away like dandelion seeds.
but of course there's no control left there's no thoughts or reason or rhyme or belief or order or law or happiness in the first place there was nothing in the last place there will be nothing and of course sanity is impossible I CAN'T BREATHE ANYMORE

Game Over

Thoughts buzz in my head like flies, and carefully I unclench my jaw. I hadn't noticed it was shut so hard until I started trembling from it.
There's no rhythm to the pain anymore. Just something, something, clamoring to get in. Or get out. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
I thought to myself once, if I had things for it, I would do it. But I don't, so I can't; all I can do is think. And therefore
And think.
Maybe that's where this blistering pain in my head comes from, and if I was shot through one side it'd come out the other and then there wouldn't be any pain anymore there'd be nothing wouldn't that be beautiful
isn't that logical

Game Over

I can't
I'm powerless against
It will be
Can you
Please can I
Is there a way to
Please let me
Just once I need
I am
It is
Fear is
The most important thing is
You are
What is
There is no way to
finish all these
meaningless sentences
but there is for my life

Game Over

then backwards
and forwards again
it's just a piece of twine
why are you playing with it
what's your fascination with it
tell me
can this be considered
a smile?
when I look like this
what do you call
a "reason"
for "living"
what do you call
or "pain"
what do you say
when life laughs in your face
you say nothing
and turn your back
so you don't get hurt
that's not me
I'm blinded like
a deer in headlights
as the light at the end of the tunnel comes
as it hits me
"Ah, that's what you meant."

Game Over

"I always thought a noose looked like an hourglass," I say, out of the blue. The train's tracks go on, making a row, for no reason.
She turns to me, shock on her face. I can't understand why. "Why would you say such a morbid thing?"
"What?" It isn't morbid. That's such a harsh word for something so beautiful.
Then again, aren't "suicide" and "self-hate" and "self-harm" such harsh words too? As if they're laughing in my face.
As if you are, too.
As if
There I go again, with my nonsense, but it's all nonsense, isn't it, so I turn and pretend it never happened, and everyone would be bent on asking why if I was still there to ask

Game Over

I can't stop trembling. I can't stop. And I can't help but pace, and when I do, it's on the front of my feet like a puma.
Then I whirl around, a smile of delight slowly spreading on my face, and I found it, that tiny, tiny break in between, it's so small, it's so unreal, but it's the only thing that is real, it's the only escape, and as I reach towards it I fall just an inch short

Game Over

If I could only, if I could only, if I could only fall through that gap, but it must be my imagination, it must be insanity, something like this can't be
And I shake and shake and shake as I wait and wait and wait but there's no point in waiting
"Why can't you just be normal?"
"Why can't you just be fine?"
"Why can't you just"
Why can't I just
this is all so "POINTLESS!" as my battle cry rings out there's blood blooming like a watercolor flower everywhere

Game Over

and again I'm reaching out towards something I can't do towards something I can't finish towards some semblance of light but is that really what I can reach towards is happiness really the only goal is good the only thing that exists to want if it's a pitiful existence like mine and I keep moving so the thoughts will fly away because that's really what I want isn't it I just want it all to fly away if only I had wings like you do I say to the raven perched on the sill if only my existence was like yours and it cocks its head and then again the only question is why isn't this all so boring isn't this all so dull isn't this all so normal isn't this all so cliche as I drop once again from the fortieth story window

Game Over

"This is trash," I hiss, as I toss it aside. Religion never taught me anything at all. The Bible is all just pages of pretense.
I pause, and nothing attacks me. See? Don't you see?
The razor glints off moonlight as I hold it up. That's something I can believe in.
Something I can see.
But then again I know that tomorrow will just be the same
And so what does it matter anyway as I lay happily and scarlet seeps through my clothes

Game Over

So I stand before the edge, I stand before the end.
And I know what it means now.
I know what to do.

And like ground glass in the wind I fade away

isn't it better this way


Game Over


"thank you,

at least,








it is


for the


time. "


So, uh, yeah, that.

Bye-nee! :3

Two Days Too Early To Die (a Marth x Ike Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now