just a broken apology

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I'm sorry...I abandoned you all...I haven't updated in a long time...This world seems to be...collecting dust, forgotten...

But I haven't forgotten you...Please, let me explain...

Usually...when life is being hard to me, I can write better than normal.

But recently has been different. It's all I can do just to put one foot in front of the other...

...They said I've changed. They said, "You're gloomier now. More hushed, more secretive. And...older. "

If only my arms would heal...If I stopped scratching them...they would...But I seem to be...Incapable. Of...anything.

There's...At this point in time...there's nothing I can do but offer you a broken smile...and an apology.

For everyone I left, I'll try harder...For you.

So, in my voice rubbed raw, I'm sorry...

And...I hope you can forgive me.


Two Days Too Early To Die (a Marth x Ike Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now