Overwhelming Emotion

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Something happened today, and I'm going to make this chapter extra sad to block it out.

So prepare for an emotional rollercoaster, if I do it right.


"Excuse me, sir?"

Marth looked up. His hair was dirty and disheveled, there were bags under his eyes, and the burning red tear-tracks under his eyes were all too noticeable.

The doctor spoke again. "Your friend is out from surgery. You can see him

now. "

Marth stood up wordlessly. The door was in front of him. He dragged one lifeless foot after another to reach it, and moved a pale, sickly hand to open it.

More white. Marth didn't care. He walked over to Ike, who looked better, but still deathly as a corpse. His injury was bandaged under the thin hospital dress.

He moved his mouth to speak. Nothing. He wiped it and tried again. Nothing. Drowning in his thoughts for so long must have rendered him mute.

So he just stared. Memories from the past came flooding back all at once-his childhood, his father, his two brothers, his mother's tired smile, Ike running across the street.

And white.

This overwhelming feeling hit in a tornado, so powerful he would be sobbing if there were any tears left to cry, so choking he'd stopped breathing, not that he cared at all.

The pain piercing his heart like a knife twisted, became sharper.

I don't care. Let me join Ike, he thought.

Is that really what you want? a voice asked.


The overwhelming feeling filled him for a second. Then he was hollow, and the world washed itself in white. The snap of a thread could be heard.


Ike was there, sitting in a chair next to Marth. They were laughing. Marth's father was there too, laughing. They were finally reunited.

Finally they sobered. "There's something we need to tell you, son," his father said."

"What, daddy?" Marth asked.

He sighed. "It's-well, you can't stay here."

Marth's smile faded. "What? Why, Dad? I'm finally happy here. "

The older man nodded. "Yes. I know. But your place is on Earth, with Ike. It's the last thing you have to do. "

He was confused. "What? Ike is right here. He's- but we're all dead, Dad, that's-"

The man shook his head and pointed. "Look, he's already fading. The operation is waking him. "

He was right. Already the confused form of Ike was dissipating. He reached out to Marth before disappearing completely.

"What- No! I- just as I had him again..." Tears started forming in his eyes.

"Go follow him, son. You're not dead, just close. But if you stay much longer you will be for good. "

Wordlessly Marth closed his eyes. The white faded into a calming blue.


He opened his eyes. The anxious face of Ike was above him.

"What...happened?" he asked.

"I woke up and you were in a hospital bed! I asked what happened, and they said you fainted from fatigue!" he said worriedly, tears starting to form on the corners of his eyes. "To think that you had waited for me all this time...so long that you endangered your health..." He trailed off and broke down into tears.

Marth pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly. "It's okay. Really. I did it because I love you. It's no use keeping quiet anymore. "

Ike paused, then replied.

"I love you too. "


Uh, guys, I lied and made the story heartwarming. Sorry.

Sorry if this is a short chapter. It might be the last one, actually, cause there's nothing much more than the acceptance of love.

So wait for an epilogue, but don't hold your breath, 'kay?


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