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I wish I could have a different picture for every chapter. That would be cool.

So...88 readers! Actual people! *U*

I must work hard to please you all!

Sorry if this chapter ruins Link for you...but, ya know, plot development! Bonding through trials!

That's BS, I just like twincest. XD


Link turned and walked away, motioning for the confused couple to follow. The night was cloaked in silence, and a jet-black cat shot past them.

"H-hey, Link..." Ike started, "Where...where are we going?"

Silence and the swish of fabric. Finally he spoke. "To safety. "

Marth started zoning out, and unconsciously started humming. Ike clasped his hand reassuringly.

Link stopped short, so the couple did too. He stood in silence for a few seconds. Then he wiped his eyes and kept walking, feet dragging like a prisoner's.

"Are you okay?" Ike asked, after a pause.

An empty chuckle came from the blond-haired teen. "Was I ever?" he asked in a voice hollow like the wind.

Silence again. The night seemed to jeer at the trio.

Then Link stopped in front of a looming, decrepit building. "Research Department" was on a sign mounted on the side, but it was crooked. The words were slashed angrily in blazing red paint.

He strode forward, threw open the door, and strode in, the blue-haired duo following hesitantly.

The first thing Marth noticed was the white. Bleached walls, papers cloaking the floor, white beds...burning red signs of a struggle gave him comfort, but unnerved him as well. On the back wall there was another sign, also slashed in red. Ike got closer to read it.

"For the Good of the People, Please Willingly Sacrifice Yourself!" read the sign. "Be Happy, It's Your Duty!" read a similar slogan on the next wall, and "It Only Stings For a Second!" was plastered above the entrance.

Link was standing in front of the "Be Happy!" sign, and suddenly smashed the wall with his elbow. It gave in easily, and he walked into the previously hidden passage. The couple followed.

"I knew it was still here," Link murmured, walking to the end of the hall. Paint chips fell from the ceiling, but the place certainly wasn't white anymore. Marth sighed happily, and Ike looked at him, confused.

Link led them to a room at the end of the passage. In it were three beds, sheets painted red. "NO MORE WHITE" was painted across the wall in red, and a red can of paint lay empty and overturned next to several filled ones. Link sat down on one of the beds.

"Me, Zelda, and Samus used to stay here when the experiments got bad," he said wistfully. "It was safe...those two...I wonder what happened to them. They went out the back door, I out the front...I never saw them again..." He stared into the distance with eyes harder than steel, remembering times past. Ike went to comfort him, but the still soul made no effort to respond.

He wiped his eyes coldly and pointed to the other beds. "Sleep there. You can stay here as long as you want, and there's canned foods-" he paused, getting up to open a closet-"here. We saved them up slowly by stealing..." Here he trailed off again, staring into the distance.

Marth walked over to the farthest right bed and curled up like a cat. "Good night, everyone," he mumbled, already drifting off. Seeing him in that position made Ike blush, but he managed not to lay next to him anyway, for fear of hurting Link.

Ike sat on his bed in silence, thinking about the future. Link was still frozen in the past. Minutes passed slowly, but the dark held sleep for neither of them.

Finally, in a voice that was quiet, but pierced through the oppressive night all the same, Link murmured, "Do you really...love him?"

Ike paused for a second, then answered carefully. "I'm sorry if this hurts you...but I really do, and he feels the same way. We're going to make it through, together." he declared firmly. Link made no move to reply.

The exhausted blue-hair flopped down on his bed, starting to drift off. "Good night, Link..." he murmured softly, his eyes closing.

Link's POV

I looked over at the sleeping figure next to me. The one who saved me. The one who broke me, just today. And the one I loved.

"If nothing else..." I murmured, "I deserve you..."

Yet I couldn't stop staring at him. I vowed never to need anyone, but...

I moved a little closer to him, teaching out to stroke his beautiful blue hair. He had a long and hard way ahead of him...I was sure he could make it. If it's with this man he loves so much...

"He'll never notice," I reassured myself. "Nobody will ever know...then you can forget about him, and he would be happiest with that..."

I leaned down...closer...and kissed him.

I wrapped my body around his, whispering in his ear. "I will protect you forever, if you want it. Or...if not, I will leave quietly. " No answer. He was deeply asleep.

I kissed him again, harder. I couldn't help it...

"Ike..." I moaned lightly. I knew I had to stop, but I couldn't.

Marth's POV

Rustles and whispers from my side woke me up.

"Ike..." I heard. My eyes opened wide.

There, in front of me, were Link and Ike.

The air seemed to shatter at the blond-hair's next moan. He hadn't noticed me.

The betrayal slashed through me like a rapier. I tried to speak, but the clean pain stopped me.

I didn't stop to think, just ran. The passage, building, street, Ike, all fell away before me. I raced in the dead of night. The cool air stung my lungs as I struggled to breathe, but I never slowed.

Something left on the ground tripped me. I landed hard on the sidewalk, but made no move to get up. The horrifying feeling I was experiencing froze me. I curled up, shaking, and lay there. The same black cat from before flashed in front of me. The night was silent. Tears ran down my face. I wanted to scream, but couldn't.

Through all of this, I only had one thought.



Was this good? Personally, I think it's my only good one :3

Long enough? Sad enough? Want the next chapter? Comments? Pwease?

Uh, this isn't a Fire Emblem fanfiction anymore, it's a Smash Bros one XD

I find that listening to music that matches the mood of what I'm writing helps me write :3

So, minna-san!

Bye-nee! :3

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