I Need To Fix It

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Saa saa minna-san, oshiete deki
masu! :3

The Happiness and Peace Of Mind Committee is stuck in my head XD

You guys! Are awesome :3 181 reads *U*

But seriously, any ideas for stuff, comment. Say what pairings you wanna see. I'll even do crossovers :3

*sniff* I smell pizza...mmm


Robin's POV

I looked at the ceiling, blushing hard. The motionless figure of Marth breathed softly in sleep, weighing me down.

What happened? I questioned myself, thinking. Had we...did we really...

The answer was yes...I didn't want to admit it to myself.

"Please don't wake up..." I murmured, dreading what was to come.


Ike's POV

The red-slashed white room again. I never thought I'd be waking up here more than one night. But the stark reality drove through me like a sleeting blizzard. Marth was gone. And I had made him go. Made him cry.

I looked next to me, at the sleeping Link. He had a strange expression of resignation on his face, and I thought grimly that something had changed in him, left him.

He had never had innocence. Taught the pain of the world at a young age...How would it be to not experience the shining beauty of childhood, to never see the light of day in the same way as blissful children do, to have your world shattered from birth?

I sighed. So, not innocence. But..maybe...



Marth's POV

I saw Ike's sobbing face, crying weakly for me to return to him, for things to be pieced together.

Then the wind dissolved him...I saw my father in his place, reaching out.

Cherry blossoms came, took him away. The gentle pink swirl was washed away by warm water, and my body floated to the top.

I awoke from my dream with a start. Someone warm was under me. I tried to think about why and didn't manage to...my memory was wiped clean since...Since Ike.

A slashing pain ripped through my head and I groaned. The figure sat up and I raised my head to look at him.

"Robin..." I murmured. He blushed.

"I...I'm sorry..." he choked out. "I was lonely...you were too...and...it was...We were drunk! It doesn't count!" His trail of apologies erupted into a fierce outburst of denial. I flinched, surprised.

Something unreadable flashed across his face and hardened into a scowl I hadn't seen on him before. He looked away, then back to meet my eyes defiantly.

"Let's just get dressed and leave, okay? I'm showering first. " He pushed me off him and marched to the bathroom without a word. I sat there stunned.

I flopped down on my back, waiting.

"It's been one hell of a two days, huh?" I murmured to myself. "Two days too early to die...Like back then. "


Link's POV

I woke up and looked around. Ike was staring at me confusedly, trying to figure something out. I waved and he snapped out of it, looking a little mournful.

Suddenly he stood. "I'm finding him," he said decisively. He strode out with an unmistakable air of purpose. I didn't follow. Seeing their reunion would be too painful.


Marth's POV

Robin finished his shower and walked out in a towel, grabbing clothes from a drawer hurriedly. He left again to put them on. I shrugged and went to the shower.

The warm water worked out my tense muscles and soothed me. I sighed, running my hands through my light blue hair.

I thought of Roy, of Link, of Robin. Of all we had been through together. Of our past, our childhood. Of Ike. How much I loved him, needed him, the tears on his face. And I felt horrible for getting mad.

Guilt enveloped me. My remorseful tears mixed with the water like rain.

I turned and got out, dripping, and dried myself with a white towel. The color made me scowl.

I pulled on my clothes, which I had taken to the bathroom, and went to find Robin. He was sitting on the bed with his hands over his eyes.

"Hey..." I said, but it came out quieter than I expected. He looked up with a dejected expression.

"I'm...really sorry. And maybe we can hang out sometime. I have your number. But right now...I need to find Ike. " I said firmly. He smiled weakly, understanding. I could tell from his eyes he needed to find Lucina and work something out or he would go crazy...It was the same with me and Ike. "I..." I started, not sure what I intended to say.

"I need to fix it. "


Kawaii reunion in next chappie, I promise! ^_^

*insert witty outro imploring readers to comment with suggestions and making me look moe and ditzy here*

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