Melted Frost (Robin x Lucina)

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Robin x Lucina chapter! Merry Christmas everybody!

Or other holidays, I dunno. Merry those too.


Lucina exhaled into the chilly December air, watching the misty vapor rise and slowly vanish. The bus was late, as usual. She pulled her wooly red scarf up to cover her mouth, shivering in the icy cold. Her long, azure hair blew in the light breeze and she blinked her crystal blue eyes, wincing from the frost.

Nobody was really out so early in the morning, and the street was quiet. She checked her watch impatiently and finally just sat down on the bus stop bench, letting out a resigned sigh. 'My boss is going to yell at me for being late today, ' she thought.

Still she wondered if she should really be working today at all. New Year's was just as important as Christmas, and it wasn't like many customers were there anyway...Even though she knew she had to work, she didn't want to.

Lucina looked around. The frost-bitten air tinged everything around the bus stop with a hint of frozen blue. A few houses had lights on, but not many. A thin layer of pure white snow coated the cold ground and crunched beneath her feet quietly like dry leaves. Everything was still and silent.

She was aware of the silence being broken slightly, not shattered, but cracked a little. A figure ran up to her, panting lightly. His blue scarf trailed behind him and contrasted nicely with his warm hazel eyes. His pristine white hair was tousled under a slightly askew blue wool hat.

"Robin..." she murmured softly. It had been so long...She started to turn away, but he caught her sleeve urgently.

"Wait..." he mumbled, voice cracking. Tears appeared in his eyes. He shook his head, regaining his composure. "I just had something to give to you. It's Christmas." He held out a tiny, carefully wrapped purple box. She took it cautiously and slipped it into her pocket.

He started to leave, reluctantly, wanting to stay. A light fear of loneliness struck Lucina suddenly, and she grabbed his hand. He started and turned.

She handed him a red and hastily wrapped package. 'I hadn't meant to give it to him, ' she reasoned to herself. 'Just...something bought along the way.'

He held on to it tightly, seeming to fear letting go, treating it preciously. With a weak smile he turned and walked away slowly, leaving Lucina in the chilly air.

The bus arrived, creaking softly as it rumbled up to the stop, and came to a halt. Lucina paid for her ticket and walked on.

She sat down. Not many people were on the bus, only a tired-looking man and his small child engrossed in a game. She reached into her pocket and carefully drew out Robin's gift, rubbing the warm and smooth lavender surface with her thumb. It was wrapped with infinite care, creases sharp and defined, folds held together by a minimal amount of tape. It was humble, but intensely meaningful.

Lucina slowly pulled off the paper, taking care not to rip it, and folded it, slipping it into her pocket. The gift was simple: a plain chocolate bar.

She smiled, tears starting in her eyes, and pressed it to her chest. He had remembered everything, down to the last detail. The gift didn't look like much, and it really wasn't, but to Lucina the gift didn't matter, what it was didn't affect anything.

What mattered to her was Robin, and the gift given almost seemed to be part of him. He sent his feelings with this, she thought, still smiling. She took out her phone and traced his number absentmindedly. It wasn't the gift that mattered, but the person giving it.

Even as people piled on the bus, Lucina kept that smile on the rest of the day. She couldn't seem to make it fade. The happiness he had brought was too great, and despite herself, she found herself missing him, thinking of him. All from a little chocolate...Lucina hoped, wherever he was, that he was holding her gift tight, and, like she was for him, thinking of her.


Just a quick little thing. More chapters soon :)

Ok bye-nee! :3

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