『 12 』

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Amara had finally made it to the entrance of the path to the camp. She paused there, questioning whether to continue to the camp or not. Amara pushed away her caution and trotted down the path, everyone was still awake, singing songs and drinking. They must be having a party.

Amara hopped off her horse, leaving the bag with Trapper. She was immediately greeted by Arthur who was very tipsy.

"Look who's here!" Arthur yelled, walking towards the campfire.

Amara immediately made eye contact with John but turned away when she saw Tilly walk towards her.

"You need me to get this drunk bastard out of here?" Tilly said and jokingly glared at Arthur.

"Nah, she's fine!" Arthur shouted, draping his arm over Amaras shoulders. Amara glanced over at John and could see the jealousy in his face.

"I can handle him, Tilly." Amara chuckled, looking up at the drunk fool. He wreaked of whiskey and beer.

Tilly shrugged and walked back to the other women that were sitting on a log around the campfire. Arthur kept his arm draped around Amara and sat with her at the fire. He began to sing with everyone.

"You're a terrible singer, Arthur." Amara chuckled, looking up at him.

"You are a mean woman." Arthur sighed, looking down at her.

Amara shook her head and looked back at the fire, Arthur's eyes still on her.

"What's with the starin'?" Amara asked, looking back at him.

"Just admirin' the view." Arthur shrugged, making eye contact with her.

"You're drunk."

"Maybe I am."

"Arthur!" Lenny came up to him, noticing that Amara was there as well. "Hey, Amara!"

"Lennayy!" Arthur stood up from the log and walked towards him. Amara stood up with him and took a spot next to Lenny.

"Let's get some rest, Mister Morgan." Miss Grimshaw demanded, pushing Arthur away from everyone.

"Hi Lenny." Amara said, smiling up at him.

"C'mere!" Lenny laughed, holding his arms out. Amara wrapped his arms around him, giving him a hug. "What's wrong?" He asked, seeing the sad look in her eyes.

"Nothin' much." Amara sighed, resting her head on his chest. "Just Desmond and.."

"And John?" Lenny asked, looking down at her. Amara just shrugged. He led her over to a tree so they could talk without anyone bothering them. "Fill me in."

"John kissed me, and.. I kissed him." Amara admitted to him. "And when he asked what would happen now, I said nothing can happen."

"Why not?" Lenny asked, furrowing his brows.

MY OUTLAW ↛ JOHN MARSTONWhere stories live. Discover now