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It's four days before the wedding and Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Findlay have been bugging Amara nonstop about it. They're constantly planning and reminding Amara of it which is the last thing she wants.

Amara had not visited the gang since her and John fought. She didn't have the courage to see him. Maisie went though, and every time she came back she said John was drunk out of his mind.

Amara now sits in the dining room with Mrs. Emerson, Maisie, and her mother. They are trying to find a place to have the wedding.

"And we can have the wedding at the church in Saint Denis." Mrs. Findlay suggested.

"What about the church in Rhodes, the priest is very sweet." Mrs. Emerson said, take a sip of her water.

"Too much dirt, the dress will get dirty." Mrs. Findlay pointed out.

Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Findlay shared a knowing look before shooting their gaze to Amara. "You don't have a dress."

The two older women began to stress and rushed to ready a wagon and go to the tailor. Amara rolled her eyes and dragged her hand down her face.

"This is torture." Maisie huffed, fighting to stay awake.

"Why are you so tired?" Amara asked as Maisie shot her head up again.

"Me and Sean got into a fight last night."

Amara nodded. "Go rest." She demanded, helping Maisie up from the chair.

Maisie nodded and practically fell asleep in Amaras arms as she helped Maisie to her room. Amara laid her down on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. She exited the room and went back downstairs, her mother was waiting for her by the door.

"Let's go, Amara." Mrs. Findlay snapped, opening the door.

Amara walked outside, following with her mother and walked to the coach. The two women stepped inside and sat down, Mrs. Emerson was already inside.

They rode all the way to Saint Denis and the whole time, Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Findlay were bugging Amara about what dress she should pick and how Desmond would react.

All of this made Amara want to puke. No literally. They had to stop the coach so she could throw up in the bushes.

Amara wiped her mouth and got back in the coach, she felt slightly dizzy and now very drained.

"You alright, Amara?" Mrs. Emerson asked with a concerned tone.

"Just nerves." Mrs. Findlay sighed.

They finally made it to the tailor in Saint Denis. Amara was the first to get out and she rushed inside the tailor.

"Miss Findlay." The tailor greeted. "Congratulations."

MY OUTLAW ↛ JOHN MARSTONWhere stories live. Discover now