29- Seth

131 22 38

Seth July 11, 2020

"The old me before you belongs to the past,

In the back of your mind

You might think there's something more I want

But when I got what I got, girl, I don't."

This song hits me right in the heart, especially now, when I can hardly hear it over a certain woman's gleeful sounds beside me. I wholeheartedly loved Erin and absolutely believe that we would still be together if she were here.  But Shannon is something remarkable. I cannot imagine a better partner.

Early in our relationship, she needed to be reassured a time or two that I wasn't filling a void with her, but like Jason said. The old me before her belongs to the past. She is perfect for me and everything I will ever need.

I watch her golden skin glisten under the low hanging sun and know that if I were to reach over to pull her in, I'd smell tanning oil and mango margaritas. The thought brings a silly grin to my face. She and Jamie are on a roll this afternoon, giggling like teenagers and trying to out flirt each other. Drew and I are glad to be on the receiving end of their shenanigans. They have both been dealing with a lot, and it's been entertaining to watch them cut loose today.  I know, though, that their fun will be short-lived if we don't feed them soon.

"I got one! Hey Seth, I was feeling 'off' all day, but then you showed up and turned me 'on'!"

"Oh, Oh, Oh! Me next! You have the right to remain silent, but I doubt you will!" Jamie is quite possibly the worst flirt in the world. "Cause you're a cop, get it? Like Meredith rights?"

Andrew had tears running down his face when he explained that they are actually called Miranda rights.

"Pssshhh, whatever. How about another round of drinks?"

I informed the lovely lushes that they would get a fresh pitcher brought out when we got back from the store.


I am slicing up ingredients for kabobs, and Drew is making a marinade when he starts kind of shifting around like he's nervous.

"Hey Seth, um,-"

"Oh my god, Drew, this is it, isn't it? You're finally ready for 'the talk.' My sweet little boy is growing up."

He throws a piece of bell pepper at me. I snatch it from the air and pop it into my mouth. "Shut up, dick." Growing serious, he clears his throat. "How do you and my sister make it work? What's your secret?"

I don't know. It just works. "I guess it's just not doing things that I know will hurt her and doing things that will make her happy. Shannon is pretty easy to please."

"The kids told Eli that you and Shannon got in a fight, and she made you sleep in the pool house. What did you do and how did you fix it?"

"Big mouths. I went to a college buddy's bachelor party and-"

"You did not. Damn it, Seth, I'm gonna have to punch you, aren't I?"

"-went bungee jumping after I promised her that I wouldn't. Hey! Stop laughing at me!"

"Oh my God, you two are ridiculous!"

"Whatever. I'm going to heat the grill up and take the girls their margaritas." I grab the back of my shirt, pull it over my head, and launch it at his head. "Grab the kebobs."

I use my elbow to slide the door open as Drew grumbles about how whipped I am. Like he's any better.

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