30- Shannon

123 23 50

Shannon July 11, 2020

Jamie and I are four margaritas in and feeling giddy when the side gate scrapes against the concrete. Andrew and Seth had ditched us twenty minutes ago when our giggling and teasing could no longer be contained, saying that they were going to pick up some things for a barbeque.

"That had better be a sexy cabana boy delivering a fresh pitcher!" I shout in the general direction of the gate.

"Ohhh, or a pool boy coming to skim the pool. I think I saw a leaf over there." Jamie adds while wiggling her brows.

"My shoulders are pink, I could use another coat of sunscreen," I announce in a seductive voice, causing Jamie and me to giggle even louder.

"Sorry to disappoint."

Out laughter is cut short, and we both swing our heads around to take in the scantily clad woman strutting into my backyard like she owned the place.

"Oh God, what are you doing here, Nicole?" I didn't need to look to know that Jamie had rolled her eyes.

Right on cue, Brody runs past, pausing to wave a polite hello, before joining the other kids in the pool house.

"I'm dropping Brody off. Andrew said he'd keep him for the weekend. Did he not clear it with you first?" The smug face she pulled is a clear indicator that she knew he hadn't.

The patio door slid open, and two shirtless men stepped out carrying margaritas and platters of meat to grill. Nicole's eyes and mouth were wide as she took in the view before her.

Jamie stood, shoulder checking her as she passed. "Shut your dick garage. No one here is interested."

Nicole snapped her mouth shut.

"JAMIE!" Seth barked, surprised laughter causing the liquid to slosh over the lip of the pitcher he was carrying.

"What? I was just-"

I grabbed Jamie by the shoulders, steering her away from Nicole before this escalated even farther.

"Goodbye, Nicole. Just set Brody's bag there and see yourself out. See ya at the office Monday. Enjoy your weekend or don't, whatever."

As soon as Nicole was out of sight, Jamie turned on Andrew. He held his hands up. "Nope, don't get an attitude with me, Drunkie. Nicole text while I was in the kitchen. I was walking out here to tell you, but she beat me to it. So simmer down. We are not fighting over this."

'Well-" She starts before I cut her off by pressing her freshly refilled glass to her lips. The glare she sends my way makes her look like an angry kitten.

"Let's let the men cook. Back to the pool, we go. Don't let that- what did you call her, 'dick garage'?-" Jamie nods enthusiastically with a proud grin. "-ruin our good time."

"You're right. She sucks." Jamie has plopped back onto the lounger she had vacated a few minutes ago. "I am not letting her steal another second of my joy."

"Exactly," I said, slurping the icy beverage in my hand.

Jamie downs her full glass in one go like she's afraid someone is going to snatch it from her hand, slamming it on the table between us before she hops back up. The words that come out of her mouth cause me to choke on my drink.

"AN-DREW! You still got that ring in your pocket?"

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