33- Andrew

120 24 34

Andrew August 18, 2020

Nothing significant happens here, so getting a call to secure a scene where a body was found is major. I'm not sure what I expected when Clark and I approached, but for some reason, seeing the skeletal remains causes an ominous feeling to settle in my gut.

"Everybody step back, please. I'll need you all to hang around; there will be questions." I pull the spool of yellow caution tape along, creating a boundary around the busted concrete.

When I'm finished tying off the area, I cautiously approach the disturbed ground, squatting low to get a closer look. I can discern that the body was likely a woman, the midlength ponytail and black v neck, offering compelling clues about the exposed remains. Something metallic catches my eye. I pull a pen from my breast pocket, intending to clear some debris with it when I hear someone approach.

"Drew? Since when is a broken gas line a police matter?"

My brain trying to make sense of it of what I've just seen. "Brandon, Hi. You shouldn't be here." I say, ducking under the tape and pulling him away from the scene that is now behind us.

"What are you talking about? You shouldn't be here. I was called out to sign off on the repair of a gas line."

I clear my throat, trying to buy time so I can find the right thing to say. "A body was discovered this morning. We are shutting this area down while we wait for the crime scene investigators."

"No shit? Damn, that's crazy! Was it a work accident? I didn't even see an ambulance when I parked." His worried eyes are searching the scene around us. "Where is everyone? Who is it?"

"There is no ambulance. The crew is around back, talking to Clark. You know I can't tell you anything about an ongoing investigation. Why don't you head back to the office? It'll be a while before they are ready for you here."

"Yeah, alright. Damn. I can't believe someone died here." He shakes his head as he walks back to his truck.

I wait until he is out of sight to pull my personal phone from my pocket, hesitating before making the call.

"It's her."


Happy Monday morning! Seven chapters to go and it's all over.

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