1 - letter.

657 10 2

-small tw: some sensitive topics-

Elora's POV

"Elora come on! You have to be joking!" Kayla says.

"I'm serious, K! I got my letter! I'll still come visit when I can!" I respond, holding up a crisp, golden brown envelope that reads, To Ms. Elora Baxter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Kayla throws her arm around me, half crying and half smiling. She knows how long I've been waiting for a letter from Hogwarts. I can tell she's happy for me.

"I'm so proud of you, E. I'll miss you so much. When do you leave?" She asks, wiping a tear away with her t-shirt.

"In a few days. We have to go to Diagon Alley to get my supplies tomorrow." I say, tears welling as I hug her again.

Kayla has been my bestfriend since I was 8. Now that we are older, she's basically been my emotional support. My brother and mom passed away in a horrible car accident a few years ago. She's been there for me through everything and now that I'm leaving her, everything hurts.

"You'll do amazing. Just don't get pregnant... hehe. I bet the guys are hot." She pretends to rub her non-existent pregnant stomach and plops on my bed.

I sit next to her. "I won't get prego. I'll come back to you during holiday, still a virgin. And I doubt that they are." I laugh, laying back on the bed.

"Cmon! They are wizards. They have to be hot." Kayla pretends to wave a wand.

We have a sleepover and talk all about my supplies, boys, and normal things you would talk about at a sleepover with a witch.


A few days later, I have to say goodbye to Kayla then go to the station. We are both crying so much and we hug for at least 2 minutes, sobbing.

"I love you so much. I will mail- I mean owl you as much as I can." I stutter. "I gotta get used to saying that."

"I love you too. Be safe, okay?" She sniffles.

I nod and start heading to where I'm supposed to enter platform 9 and 3/4. I am about to enter when I hear Kayla yell one last comment.

"And use protection!"

I shoot my head back to look at her and smile. Then, I run straight into the brick wall, bracing for impact.

None. I stumble to catch my feet before I ran my cart into another students.

Woah. The sign on the train reads, "Hogwarts Express". The huge, black vehicle is steaming with smoke and steam, as students board.

Families buzz all around my head, students trying to get onto the train, parents crying and waving goodbye to their beloved children, the rumbling of carts on the cement platform. I place my bags away in the bag compartments and go to find a seat. On the train, it's even louder than on the platform. Kids happily eating candies from a big candy cart that is steered by an older woman. I push past dozens of students, trying to slip into any compartment they can find. I eventually see a group of three teens, a brown haired girl and two boys, red and black haired, who look around the same age as me. They are in a compartment by themselves. I open the door and they all look at me.

"Uh hi... I'm new. Can I sit with you guys?" I stutter out words.

I'm bad with new people sometimes.

"Of course!" The girl immediately popped up, shaking my hand. "I'm Hermione Granger. This is Ron Weasley.." The red headed boy waves.

"And this is Harry Potter." The black-haired boy smiles at me.

"I'm Elora Baxter. It's nice to meet you all of you!" I smile, sitting down next to Hermione.

"What year are you in, Elora?" Hermione asks.

"6th. You guys?"

"Same as you. Feels like we were just in first year like yesterday." Ron says.

"By the way, once we get to the castle, we have to sit through the sorting hat ceremony for the first years and new students." Harry states.

"Sorting ceremony? Do I have to get sorted?" I ask, confused.

"Probably. If you're new and in 6th year, then you will go before the first years." Harry speaks.

My heart skips a beat. Sorted by myself? In front of the school?

Suddenly nervous, my stomach starts hurting. I hate standing in front of a normal class enough, but an entire schools eyes all on me. What if I can't get sorted? How do I even get sorted? So many questions.

I talk with the trio whole train ride and I really get to know them. Harry tells me that his parents were killed when he was only a baby, by a dark wizard named Voldemort. I learn that people don't like saying his name, but why? It's just a name.

Once we get to the castle, everybody exits the train and walks into the castle. We enter the Great Hall. Damn. What a sight. There are four long tables and another long table under large windows across the Hall from the huge door. Everybody crowds into the room, mostly all of them know where their tables are. I sit with Hermione and the boys as we wait for the first years.

"Silence." A woman with curly, brown hair stands. Professor McGonagall raises her voice and the Hall becomes quiet. "Before the first years are sorted, we have a new 6th year student. Elora Baxter, please come up to get sorted."

My heart is racing. Here we go...

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