8 - on three rules.

139 6 36

Elora's POV

I felt a hand pull me into the nearest room, turning out to be the abandoned girls bathroom.

I yelp, jumping at the sudden grip, tight on my wrist. The large bathroom door slams behind me and the person who pulled me in.

They spin me around to face them.

"Draco? What the fuck?" I ask, breathing unsteadily.

He gets closer and closer to me, until our bodies are almost touching. I feel his breath on my neck, warm but still sends chills down my back. His chilly hands rest on my waist, pulling my close to him. He moves me against a wall.

"You can't deny that you have an attraction to me, Elora." My name runs off his tongue like rain droplets on a leaf.

"What could you possibly mean?" I quietly say, as he pulls me closer, our bodies now touching.

"You know what I mean." He whispers in my ear. Then he makes eye contact with me and leans in to kiss me.


My body jolts straight up, looking around.

It was a dream.

I lug myself out of my comfy bed, putting on my emerald green slippers, laced with gold poka-dots. I throw my hair into a low messy bun and throw on a white beanie. I take a deep breathe and leave my dorm, heading for the Great Hall.

The corridors smell like maple syrup and old wooden architecture, barely any students wandering. Most of them are in the Hall, eating. I walk in and see Luna Lovegood. I've become somewhat friends with her throughout the first months of the term. She's a bit odd, but a whole queen.

I shoot Luna a small smile and nod, she echos it.

"Rough night?" I hear a voice yell from a different table.

I glare at the only other Slytherin at the table, he smirks back. I walk over to him and sit down.

"Listen, Baxter, if we are gonna be friends for the holidays, no one can know." He says, not looking up at me.

"Who in the bloody hell said we were going to be friends?" I look up, a confused look on my face. He also, finally, snaps his eyes up to mine.

"Well, considering we are the only two Slytherins left here in our year. I'm not going this whole break without talking to anyone." He speaks before biting into a piece of steamy bacon.

"Fine. We can be friends. That's it." I say, also grabbing a piece of bacon. "Three rules."

"Rules?" He almost chokes as he chuckles. "You're hilarious, Baxter."

"I'm serious, Malfoy." I take a sip of eggnog. "Rule 1 - no arguing or fighting. Rule 2 - no dating or.. fucking-"

He smirks at the word 'fucking'.

"And rule 3 - no telling anybody about this." I say, looking him in the eye.


I scoff and finish off my eggnog. Resting my head on my hand, I drift into a silent sleep.


I wake up from my small nap and notice that Draco isn't there. I check the clock.

8am on the dot.

I slept almost 2 full hours? And where's Draco? Did he watch me sleep? Fuck.

I leave the Hall and walk slowly through the hallways, heading back to my room. My steps are lightly clicking on the floor, echoing against the walls of the corridor. I make my way to the dungeons, whispering the password to the common room.

The painting opens, hitting me with the smell of pine from the tree. I see the fire crackling in the fireplace, smoke slithering up through the chimney.

There sits Mr. Malfoy himself, changed into a pair of grey sweatpants with his Quidditch number on the side of his left leg and a white hoodie. His body is placed comfortably on the couch, his fingers flicking through a book, eyes on the pages.

I close the common room door as quietly as possible, as not to disturb the boy from his reading. My attempt to be unseen fails, he looks over to me. He chuckles softly, shaking his head.

"You don't have to sneak past me, Baxter." He smirks, nodding to the chair near him.

I walk over and sit in the chair, covering myself with a blanket. He's already wrapped in one.

"You look like a burrito." I giggle, he gasps dramatically.

"So.." he starts. "Tell me about you."

I'm taken a bit back by this statement, remembering previous months where this same man hated me.

"20 questions?" He asks, putting his book on the table in front of him and curling his knees to his chest.

"Sure. I'll start." I think of a question. "Do you really hate everyone?"

"Mostly, there are some that I don't hate, but I'll tolerate them I guess." His eyes sparkle a bit, cuddling his knees. "My turn. What's your favorite class?"

I make a surprised face, causing him to smile a bit. "None, but if I had to choose, then potions. I'm somewhat good at that class... key word is somewhat." I speak quietly, but enough for him to hear.

"You must love it because I'm your partner." He smirks.

"Get over yourself, Malfoy." I respond. "My turn."


"Do you believe in love?"

There is a small time of silence in the room as he thinks.

Finally, he answers.

"No." He breaks eye contact, looking to the fire. "Love is something that inflicts pain and hurt. Why would I believe in that?"

My heart hurts for him through his words. I stand up and walk over to him. Sitting next to him, I put my hand on his arm. He looks down at me, small tears in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his voice quiet.

"Making sure you're okay." I respond softly. "Are you okay?"

He suddenly pushes my hand off him.

"I'm fine." He responds, standing and leaving.

Oh Draco..

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