4 - quidditch pitch.

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Elora's POV

I quietly tip toe back to my dormitory, taking in the quiet halls. On a normal day at Hogwarts, the halls were packed with students trying to get from class to class.

I enter the Slytherin common room and run up the steps. Changed into a clean, fresh pair of comfortable pajamas, I hop into bed; staring at my ceiling. I eventually fall asleep, thinking about Kayla and how much I miss everybody.

God, if she was here right now, I would be so much happier.


Later into the dark night, I awaken. There's a tapping at my window and an owl screeching.

Why is somebody sending me a letter at 2 in the morning? And on a school night?

I get up and walk to the window to let the fluffy owl inside. Between it's beak is a letter addressed to me. I thank the owl and it flies back into the star lit sky. Sitting at my desk, I open the envelope.

Meet me on the Quidditch pitch at 2:30am.

Who the fuck is D.M..... ohh. Malfoy.

I close the letter and place it on top of my dresser. Pulling on a sweatshirt and shoes, I slip out the door. The corridors are filled with the faint smells of the dinner feast that I never got to have. My mind drifted back to Malfoy. Why did he want to meet me so late?

I open the door to the outside and the chilly fall air hits me. I pull my sleeves of my sweater over my hands and cross my arms, walking to the Quidditch field.

I enter onto the green field, seeing him standing in the center. He's wearing his signature black suit, topped with his striking blonde hair. I walk over to him and see that he's fiddling with his silver rings that, I swear, he never takes off.

"Okay. I'm here Malfoy. What do you need?" He looks up at me, straight into my eyes, like usual.

"Took you long enough, mudblood. Didn't know if you were gonna even show." He steps towards me, putting his pale hands in his dress pant pockets.

"You're lucky I did. Now, answer my question. Why do you want me out here this late?" I ask, searching his eyes.

He lays down on the ground and motions for me to do the same. We lay in silence for a few moments before he says anything.

"I was watching you in the astronomy tower."

The fuck? Stalker much?

"You were what?" I sit up, turning to look at him.

"Watching you. You were peaceful, but crying. What's wrong?" He sounds... almost like he cares? He meets my gaze, his eyes flickering down, once in a while, to my lips.

"Why do you care? Not like I will tell you, Malfoy. You know what I think about you." I say, laying back down with my hands by my sides.

"Just asking if you're alright. Baxter. And frankly, I don't know what you think about me and I don't care." He scoffs.

"I'm fine. Now, can I go back to bed? It's freezing out here and we will get in trouble if we are caught." I say, closing my eyes.

He stands up and offers me his hand. I reluctantly take it and get up off the dark grass.

I let go of his hand, but he grabs mine again. I look at him, butterflies in my stomach.

"Just to keep your hands warm." He smiles. It's small, but still a smile.

He holds my hand as we quietly walk across the silent Quidditch pitch, the faint wind of a soon-to-be snow covered land blowing gently. I take this walk as a time to really look at Draco.

His platinum hair is stunning, messy yet still styled. His suit fits his height and width perfectly and his side profile is amazing. I guess I was staring a bit too long because he caught me.

"Like what you see, Baxter?" He smirks.

My eyes snap back forwards and my cheeks flush a light pink.

"Shove it, Malfoy." I whisper, as we are approaching the castle.

We walk inside and the quiet halls are warm and dark. Good sign of nobody being around. If I was seen with Malfoy, I would never live it down with the trio. We walk to the Slytherin common room and I can breathe again.

Draco walks me to the door of my room. I go to open the door, but he stops me. He pulls me closer to him, as to not awaken anybody inside the dorm.

"I know you aren't 'fine'. You can always talk to me, love." His breathe is warm next to my ear. I shiver.

"I know. Thank you." I pull away from him and open my door.

Before I close it, I turn back to him.

"Goodnight, Draco." I say with a slight smile, then I shut the door.

Draco's POV

I ask her to meet me at the Quidditch pitch around 3am. I didn't think she would actually show, but she does.

Telling her about how I was watching her at the astronomy tower is a tough task. She seems mad, but then also relieved. Like she likes that somebody has finally noticed her pain.

After she said she wants to go back, I hold her hand. I claim it was to "keep her hands warm", but it was really because I have been wanting to do it for a while. I catch her looking at me partway through the walk, but I don't say anything until a few moments later. I want her to look at me like that for a bit longer before I call her out. Her face turns forward, shaded with a light pink.

Once we finally get back to the common room without being caught, she seems less tense. I walk her up to her room and pull her close to me. I definitely want to kiss her, but I won't without her consent and want to make sure she wants me back.

"Goodnight Draco."

And with that and a smile, she's gone. I stand there for a few seconds, taking in what just happened.

She called me Draco. Normally, it was Malfoy.

But she said "Draco."

I walk back to my dormitory and get in the shower. The hot water running through my hair and down my back was refreshing.


She is the only thing on my mind as I fall asleep.

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