3 - those eyes.

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Elora's POV

After all my classes, I head to the astronomy tower to take some time for myself before dinner. It has already gotten darker outside, just enough to see some of the stars and see the sunset still.

I lean against the railing, looking out into the far horizon. I smile, thinking about my brother and mum. I know they are the ones showing me the sunset and stars at the same time. I miss them.

I climb carefully over the railing and sit on the small ledge, I know. It's dangerous but it makes me feel alive. My feet dangle over the edge, the Earth far below.

I jump a little when I feel cold hands come in contact with me. One over my mouth, and one around my waist.

"Don't scream, mudblood. I don't want it to look like I killed you." I hear a deep voice say, helping me up and back over the railing.

I swat his hand away. "What the fuck, Malfoy? You can't fucking do that to somebody out of nowhere."

"If I would have just said, 'yo mudblood get off the edge', you would have gotten scared and fell." He smirks, making eye contact again.

Those fucking eyes again.

"Anyways, you weren't at dinner. Dumbledore made me look for you." He says.

"Why the hell did you? It's not like you give a fuck about me." I push past him and leave, realizing just how late it is.

He looks... almost... stunned? Sad? I'm not good with emotions. Especially others.

I go back to my dormitory and get changed into pajamas. I lay in bed, staring up at my ceiling. Why did Malfoy not want to scare me, when all he does is make my life harder?

My eyes slowly close, falling into a deep, pondering sleep.

Draco's POV

The dinner feast. Possibly one of the best times of day. I realize that the brown haired, green eyed, girl wasn't in her usual spot. Alone. After I finish eating, I walk out of the Hall before anybody, looking for a certain girl.

I feel an arm wrap around mine. Ugh. Pansy.

"Pansy, get off of me." I snap, pulling my arm away from her.

"Draco, what's the matter?" She whines. God, she's so fucking annoying.

"You're the matter. I don't like you, we aren't dating. Stop acting like we are." I walk away from her, and continue to look for the new girl.

I sneak into the Gryffindor common room and steal Pottah's invisibility cloak. I drape it on my body and look for the girl. Before I left Gryffindor, I overhear a door gently closing. It's her.

She steps carefully down the steps. Ginny is with her. They are talking about their favorite books.

"Okay, cya later Elora!" The annoying red-head says, as Elora slips out the door.

Damn. Her face fits her name like a puzzle piece fits another.

I follow her to the astronomy tower. Does she realize it's late? Elora's still in her uniform and robes. Her hair flows quietly in the wind.

I sit and watch her. You can tell she's peaceful. I would tell her that it's late, but I don't want to disturb her, or the sight of her.

I definitely haven't made the best first impression. I've learned from my father that mudbloods are people with so-called "dirty blood" and if I hung around them, that my pureblood would also dirty.

But with Elora... her blood is the most pure out of every single mudblood and pureblood in Hogwarts.

I hear a sniffle and see that a tear is running down her cheek. I stand up quietly and take off the cloak. Elora doesn't see me. I hide it so she can't see it when she turns, not to raise suspicion.

Stepping quietly, I make my way to her. I slowly, trying not to scare her, slip my hands around her mouth and waist. I tell her not to scream. I don't want her to fall to her death.

I help her get over the railing from where she was sitting. A feeling of relief falls over my body as she steps away from the ledge. She's safe. Elora swats my hand away and starts speaking to me in a pissed tone.

I'm not even listening to her. Her eyes are looking straight into mine. Her green eyes are laced with shades of blue and some hints of brown.

"It's not like you give a fuck about me." She finishes our conversation, well argument? I look back at her as she goes down the stairs to the castle. I can tell she isn't like the other girls, who just want to fuck then leave.

She's different.

She has a backstory. She doesn't seem like the type to have fucked multiple guys.

She's special, I can feel it.

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