9 - a christmas eve's kiss.

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Draco's POV

I rush upstairs, almost tripping. I could feel the warm tears in my eyes, my cheeks also warm. I slam my dorm door behind me, starting to break down.

I barely even know Elora, I can't show her this side of me... yet. Tears flood down my cheeks.

I hear footsteps coming towards my door. I hear her soothing voice behind it.

"Draco.. please let me in." She whispers, almost inaudible.

What I do next confuses me. I slowly unlock and open the door, meeting her worried eyes. She pushes herself in, closing the door behind her. Almost immediately, she hugs me.

She hugs me.

The embrace lasts almost a full minute. I cry into her shoulder, her arms around me.

She breaks away and moves me so I'm laying on my bed. Elora lays next to me, her arm draped across me.

I just lay there, like a damn crybaby, and just sob into the crook of her neck. She smells warm and amazing, like vanilla and sugar, with a hint of floral.

She doesn't say anything, just comforts me as I continue to break down. I eventually stop sobbing and start to fall asleep. I feel her eyes looking down at me, noticing me almost asleep.

Right before I doze away, she whispers, "I promise it will get better, if not, I'll be here."

Then I'm asleep.

Elora's POV

Draco Malfoy is asleep in my arms.

Never thought I would say that.

His eyes are red and puffy from crying. I never said anything to him, since I know what it's like to have a breakdown, and I know just how annoying it is when people ask you questions during it.

He's snoring quietly, chest moving up and down calmly. His arm is around my waist and his face is snuggled in my neck. I would stay here forever if I could, just comforting him.

I want him to be okay.

But, I know I can't. When he wakes up, he will probably be the same, rude, Draco Malfoy as before. I slowly move his arm to his side, making sure not to startle him since he's sleeping so soundly. Then, I stand and walk to the door.

I open it, taking one last look at the broken boy, then slip out of the dorm room.


I arrive at the dinner feast and sit alone at the Slytherin table. Nobody is really in the Hall, other than a few first years and their friends. I pull out a drawing pad and start sketching a snowman. Suddenly, the pencil is pulled from between my fingers. My head snaps up and meets Draco's eyes, yet again.

"Nice drawing." He says, sitting down across from me.

He looks better, or maybe he's just putting it on so nobody worries.

"Thanks.. can I have my pencil back, please?" I reply, reaching for it.

He hands it to me and smirks. "Fine."

"Thank you." I smile back.

"Also.. um.. can I ask you something?" he stutters.

I give him a soft smile. "What's up?"

"Are you going to tell anyone about... earlier?"

"No, I promise I won't." I say, reassuring him.

This makes him show a small smile, with a little bit of teeth.

"Also, I just wanna say thanks for helping me. I tried not to because I didn't want you to see that side of me.. but I couldn't hide it." Draco says, looking down, as if he's embarrassed.

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