2 - malfoy to you.

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Elora's POV

I sit down on the small stool and await the Sorting Hat to be placed on my head. Once it does, I tense up, but try to relax. I heard it can read your mind.

"Ah! A new student... hmm. Well well well... I see that you are very trustworthy. You're sweet, but have a hint of darkness. You have a thirst to prove yourself." The hat sits on my head.

Please not Hufflepuff. I plead in my head. Please not Hufflepuff.

"Not Hufflepuff, eh? Why not? I think you would do amazing things there. Anyways, better be...... SLYTHERIN!" the hat screams.

My eyes jolt open. Hermione looks betrayed, Ron looks confused and Harry, well Harry just looks pissed. I walk over to the green-accented table and sit down, alone.

The feast appears after the first years are sorted and I eat in silence, as I feel that the whole world has fallen apart. How did I get into Slytherin? I have no purpose of being in it. I always thought that if I got my letter, that I would be in Gryffindor or maybe even Ravenclaw...

But why Slytherin?

After the feast concludes I head into the dungeons, where the Slytherin dormitories are. A dark emerald green room greets me. There is a couch and a few armchairs. All green, silver, and black. The fireplace looked like it hasn't been used in a while. I head to the girls dorms and unpack.

I decide to go to bed early, as I have classes tomorrow. I set out my uniform and robes for the next day and get into pajamas.

As I drift off into sleep, my mind is worrying about my first day before it has even begun.


In the morning, I wake up and take a quick shower. I get into the uniform and throw the long robes on over.

I do my makeup and braid my long hair into two braids that flow nicely down my back. I gather my confidence in the mirror and take deep breathes, before heading down into the Slytherin common room.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

I walk into the common room and come face to face with two boys, one had dark skin with dark hair, the other has blonde hair with pale skin. They are with a brown haired girl.

All three are staring at me.

"Uhm.. excuse me?" I stutter out, looking at all of them.

"I said what do we have here? How the fuck else do I put it." The girl snaps again.

"Calm yourself, Pansy. She's new." The blonde haired boy says.

"Well. I don't care who you are so goodbye." I try to slip past them when the dark haired boy grabs my arm.

"Not so fast, mudblood. We have to introduce ourselves." He says, smirking at Pansy and the blonde.

"I'm Blaise Zabini. This is Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy." he nods to Pansy and the blonde.

"Well, Blaise, Pansy, and Draco. I'll be leaving. I'm late for potions." I say, walking past them and leaving the common room.

A hand grabs my shoulder after I've walked a ways down the corridor. I spin around to see Draco.

"It's Malfoy to you, mudblood. And I never got your name." He says, letting go of my arm.

"First of all, don't call me that. Second, why do you even want to know? Not like we are going to be friends." I say to him. He looks pissed honestly.

"Fine, don't tell me your name. I'll just keep calling you what you are; a mudblood." He snaps, then turns and walks away.

Damn. I fucking hate him and I just met him. I turn and head to potions, trying to get my mind off of what just happened.

I walk into the potions classroom and sit down at the only empty desk. Professor Slughorn starts talking about seating arrangements and the potions we would learn soon. I jot down notes as I need but I barely have to.

About halfway through the class, I almost fell asleep but there was suddenly a loud clanging at the door. Everybody's heads turned and there stood Malfoy, entering the class and going to the only empty seat, which was next to me.


"Saved me a spot, mudblood? Damn, I hope you know what happened in the hall wasn't flirting." He whispers to me, once the professor starts going on again about the rules.

"No, you dipshit. It was the only empty seat." And of course, Malfoy has to sit next to me.

"Sure." He smirks, holding eye contact.

Damn, his eyes are stunning. I could get lost in them for days. What the fuck, no. This is Malfoy, the rude bitch from the hall.

I break eye contact and turn to the front. It's then when I actually hear what Professor Slughorn is saying.

"-and you will have a partner for the rest of the year. To make it easier for you, and for me, your partner is who you are sitting with at your table as of this moment." He smiles. "Class dismissed."

Draco laughs. "This should be fun." He whispers, leaning towards me and looking into my eyes.

"This should be fun." I mock him, getting all my items and slugging out the door, annoyed that, out of everyone in the class, I have to work with the infamous Draco Malfoy.

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