17 - i promise.

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Elora's POV

The curse hit Voldemort's body, tossing him to the ground. My jaw drops, eyes wide.

Draco did it.

But how? Harry told me about horcurxes; items that possessed part of Voldemort's soul.

The lifeless body withers away, leaving only Draco, Narcissa and I in the room.

"Draco..." Narcissa whispers, tears in her eyes as she looks to her son.

I look to Draco, my mind still in shock and full of confusion. How did Voldemort die with horcruxes still here? I don't know that I'll find out my answer soon enough. Too soon.

The boy is trembling, hard. He drops his wand to the floor, breath shaky. He was going to be killed for this, and he knew it. His father, the Death Eaters, especially damn Peter Pettigrew.

There are thuds in the foyer and dining room. Sounds of Death Eaters apperating, soon the loud stomps of Lucius Malfoy's expensive black shoes are walking up the steps of the Manor, straight to Draco's bedroom door.

Narcissa's eyes fill with panic, grasping her wand out of her small robe pocket.

"Draco, hide. Apperate to Hogwarts, hide in the room of requirement, just hide somewhere. You aren't safe anymore." The woman turns to face me. "Please, take care of him, Elora. Be safe." She throws a quick kiss to each of our heads before we apperate.


Hogwarts. Back again.

The grounds feel colder than before, hallways filled with dread. We should all be celebrating, as the Dark Wizard is finally gone, yet his followers are fighting anybody they find. They are hunting for Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Draco and I appear in his dormitory, aka the first place Death Eaters would turn upside down, searching for my blonde boy. With our wands in one hand, the other interlaced with each other's, we rush out of the dorm.

The corridors are filled with students, most of them alive. I see Lavender Brown, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks fighting off a Death Eater. Tonks throws me a small smile, which is very reassuring and loving. She's always been kind to me, her and Lupin.

Draco and I hurry past them, spells hurling around us. We sneak up to where the Room of Requirement should be. The door reveals itself. My boy opens it and inside, the large room is filled to the brim with piles of junk. Books, broken lanterns, and other things that weren't needed by anybody. The faint smell of fire slips in from other parts of the castle. Loud bangs and screams can be heard.

The Death Eaters are looking for Draco, my Draco. I look up to him, my eyes widen. He's acting as anybody would if they were being hunted for killing the most powerful dark wizard of all time. His chest is moving up and down, rapidly. He is shaking still, hands behind his head. His wand is sticking out of his pocket and he is pacing the floor.

"Draco," I speak, my voice quiet as I take steps closer to the terrified boy.

"Ellie," he whispers. "They want to kill me."

I shut my eyes and answer, "I know. I know, love."

I open my eyes, open them with a determined look. "I won't let them. I won't let them separate us and hurt you."

He scoffs, pulling me into a hug and laying us on a small sofa, hidden from the door behind the piles of junk.

"I should be the one protecting you, not the other way around." His voice cracks, imagining the thought of me dying, I'm guessing.

I lay next to him, his head against my chest. He wraps his hand around my waist, pulling me close to him. I run my fingers through his hair.

"C- can you remind me of the happy ending?" He sniffles, now crying quietly.

"Yeah.. of course." I reply.

"After all this, after we keep each other safe and we can safely leave Hogwarts, we can move out. Move far, far away from all of this. We can move to the muggle world and get settled into a little apartment. We can have 2 kids, hopefully twins; a girl and a boy. Their names can be Opal Raelynn and Jax Matthew. Our dog can be named Slyther, after Slytherin. The kids can be enrolled in Hogwarts, we can go back and rendezvous with everybody, all our friends. We can still live a happy, long life. I promise".

Draco doesn't reply. I snake my hand around his shoulders and back as he softly cries. "I would love that, Ellie." I hear his softly say.

We both fall asleep, drowning out the horrid world around us from each other. Our love for each other wraps our bodies into one, that night. As we sleep, our minds connect and we both dream as one.


Voices. Loud, angry voices. They wake Draco and I up. The Death Eaters made it into the Room of Requirement.

Draco shoots up off the couch, wand in hand.

"Ah, Draco." Bellatrix Lestrange's spooky voice rings through the air.

"The boy who decided that murder was better than a break up." Those words shoot me up, forcing myself to my feet. I point my wand straight at Bellatrix's chest, ready to hex her.

"Oh, who's this? The mudblood I presume." She giggles.

"Miss Baxter with my own son." Lucius Malfoy appears from behind Bella and the rest of the ugly Death Eaters.

"Leave us- I mean, leave her alone." Draco snaps at his father. He just looks at the boy and laughs.

"How dare you speak to me that way. You killed the Dark Lord. You shall not speak." The blonde man booms.

"Lucius!" A small voice speaks from behind the lot. Narcissa walks into the room. "Leave them alone."

Draco's hand slowly grips mine, hidden from the eyes of the Death Eaters. His fingers trace, "I promise" onto the back of my hand.

We both stare ahead at the dark wizards in front of us, along with Narcissa.

This, this is it.

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