Her pain

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Wtf were you doing Khushi. How can you try to take your life. He screams at me in his loud voice making me guilty for my deed. I thought maybe he concerned for my life and have some feelings for me that's why he reacted like this but I never know that he said for his own revenge. My all hopes broken when he said to me next line.

Ar. How can you try to take your life Khushi when my revenge is still remaining. I want you to die slowly slowly every second every moment. I wanna see you in pain Khushi. I wanna see you dying alive. So that I could get relief to seeing you in sorrow the way you wanted to put my sister in it. He spoke in his thick voice which is showing how much he hates me and how much he wants me to take slow poison and die after bearing all shit which I'm bearing since I've been born. First my parents died then I got in with my aunty who was my father's fiancé but she couldn't marry him because he had loved my mother and married her and then when they died she got chance to take revenge for all those which I didn't do. She made my life miserable and never let me to take sigh of breath. Always hurted me only and abused me. But when this man who is standing infront of me. He came in my life. I thought everything gonna be change. Atleast now I'll get that person who will love me genuinely but I was wrong. He didn't decreased my pain but increased it and did Every possible way to hurt me and break my heart. He married me without my constant. He tortured me bcz he thinks I've tried to spoil his sister life who is right now In comma and all because of her husband who had deliberately pushed her to get rid of her and her baby. But instead of blaming him my six month husband is blaming me and saying I'm the one who is on fault. Today after getting tired of my life when I tried to take my life then again he cAme and stopped me by saying it's only his right to take my life. And he won't let me go till he doesn't take his so called revenge.

Ar. What happened where you lost now. Are you planning something else drama or planning to gain more sympathy from people because I know you can stoop so low for anything.

Khushi bite her lips to control her sobs and nodded in no.

Ar. You know what I never seen irritated person like you. Before marriage you used to behave like you are most talkative parson in the world but now it's feel like you don't have even tongue.

K. I don't wanna give explanation to that person who already has made so much misunderstandings about me. I just wanted to take my life so that I could sigh of relief and you as well get rid of me. But you are not even letting me die. Why don't you let me go. Why are you torturing me everyday without knowing the whole truth. I've been got tired to telling you since we got married but you are the one who is not listening me and keep cooking illusions about me. She sheds salty tears feeling miserable but instead of feeling bad he is the one who is getting angry more.

Ar. Stop shedding tears ok. I hate when you show me your fake drama. It's irritates me a lot. Now let's go from here before someone comes here. I don't want anyone to get to know about it. He held her shivery hand and dragged her with him. That Khushi who had been so strong she has been died somewhere since he has came in her life. She don't think so ever she took a easy breath in his presence. She always keep fear that something gonna happens and he will shout at her again. Day by day she is getting week. Her weight has  losing. She exactly look like a week doll who just victim of everyone's anger.

K. Arnav Ji she took his name in her slow voice but instead of listening her he brought her in his room and throw her on the bed making her shiver in fear.

Ar. My life had been spoiled because of you. Your characterless behaviour snatched my everything. First because of you my di's relation was on stake and then she went in comma leaving us all alone behind. I'm trying my best to get her back but not able to do anything and for that I can't forgive you. Always will hate you and on top of that because of you I couldn't marry to my love. She left me when she saw me being married with you. Such a big curse you are Khushi. I just praying that when these 3 months will pass and I'll divorce you. But don't worry In those month I will make your life worse then you will plead me to kill you. This is promise of Arnav singh raizada. He screams and walked out from there. Khushi look at his retreating figure and fell on the bed crying bitterly digging her face in the soft mattress. She can't believe a person can hate her so much. She always loved him but he is the one who always showed her low in her eyes and never gave her respect.

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