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"What are you doing here Chanyeol-ssi " baekhyun asked the taller.
"I need your help. Please don't deny. " Chanyeol said with plead in his voice.

"Fine I'll try. But at least tell me... What happened? " Baekhyun asked.


As Jimin hung up the call with baekhyun, they heard a loud scream in the corridor. They rushed there and saw something which broke their heart into pieces. There stood RM with Jin who was out of his mind. "Why don't you guys believe it's my V. That baekhyun is a liar, he is my V , our V, kookie's V... Let go. I want to go to my V. He might have forgotten us. But I'll make him remember everything. LET ME GOOO!!! " Hobi was fast enough to drug Jin with some sort of anesthesia so that he calms down. "Stop staring at me... It was the ultimate option. Now go and cal the doc. before he wakes up. NOW GOO!!! " Jungkook went to his room to call the doc.

The doc came after 30 mins. He surveyed Jin's condition and concluded "He is being suffering from trauma. Did something happen which was quite enough to make him this weak." "Actually doc... A-A-ctually he... We " Before Jimin could say anything else the doc spoke up " Sorry Mr. Kim... But please take care of him. His condition says that he was missing someone so bad. And suddenly that human showed up and rejected to talk to him or showed a complete different nature towards him. Please ask that person not do this. Or else Mr. KIM may even loose his.... Mental health... There could be a massive mental breakdown. Which could even cost his life. So please take care. Anyways I'll take a leave now. Call me if there is any emergency. Thank you " With that the doc took his leave and went away. All of them were very tensed. No one was in their mental state. Jimin even blamed Chanyeol for Jin's condition but Suga explained him that it was non of their fault.

Time skips to next morning*

The entire house was awakened by a loud scream. All of them went to see and saw JK trembling with fear as if he saw a ghost. When everyone went near him they saw something which would be their last and worst nightmare ever. There stood Jin with knife in his hand and ready to cut his wrist. Every one started to console him but he demanded only one thing that was....

He wanted to meet V.

Everyone tried to explain him but no one could ever win with Jin's stubborn side. It was only V who used to calm Jin down. At last defeated, and in the fear of loosing Jin Jimin and Rm asked Chanyeol to go to baekhyun and ask for help. Though they knew baekhyun will never ever agree. Even if he does, taehyung won't... Never ever in his life. But still they wanted to try.

Flashback ends*

".... And this is the reason I'm here. Please baekhyun... I beg you. Convince your brother and save our Jin's life. Please.... I would d-"
"Why tf on this earth you are here!!! " A dark and deep voice echoed in baekhyun's office. They both turned around to see a angry young man on the door. TAEHYUNG.

Before Chanyeol could open his mouth to explain anything a hard punch landed on his face. Baekhyun anyhow managed to stop Tae and spoke up "Kim Taehyung stop it... Just stop it. You are standing in my office and you are not allowed to behave like this to my friend. "
"From when THIS bloody kidnapper became your friend? " Taehyung asked. "That's none of your business!... Now listen to me... You gotta do my work. You have to come with us to Chanyeol house and behave like a good boy! " Baekhyun said in a firm voice but sounded cold. "But... " "No ifs, No buts... You are coming with me and that's it "

"At least tell me the reason... Why should I help these creeps... " He mumbled the last part.

Chanbaek explain him the reason. And Chanyeol shows his pleading eyes to him...




Wattpad sucks. It deleted my 2 chapter of this story. Anyways I'm back. I'll try to update ASAP!!!

Uptill then stay tuned.

Bubyeeee... 💜💜💜

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