6.2. U.S.J. Incident

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We all followed 13 into building and got see what was inside.

Kirishima: Woow, it looks like amusement park.

13: We have shipwreck, windstorm, fire and other scenarios. This facility is here to prepare you to deal with differend kinds of disasters. I call it Unforseen Simulation Joint but you can call it U.S.J.

Mina: So cool!

Aizawa: Hey, shouldn't AllMight be here?

13: About that, apparently he used up too much of power this morning so he is resting in teachers lounge.

Aizawa: That man is hight of irresponsibility.

I was barely holding my laughter at Aizawa's comment, but thank god I managed to keep my cool.

Aizawa: Well, no time to waste. Le-

Before Aizawa finished his sentence my „Sence Presence" kicked in and a purple void appeared in middle of training ground. Suddenly dozens villains started walking out of it, but three of them stood up from others. First was that void guy, next was some person with hands around his body and last was some really deadly looking 3 meters tall bird monster.

Aizawa: Everybody stay back, those are real villains. 13 protect the students and alert school.

I quickly run up to Aizawa and gave him one of mine body enhancers.

Izuku: Take this enhancer.

Aizawa: Thanks kid, now step back and protect others.

Aizawa jumped down the stairs and started fighting villains while me and others started running towards the exit, but in middle of way purple void appeared again and formed humal-like figure.

Kurogiri: It's pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains and I know it isn't polite but we decided to let ourselves in and say hello. Becides, isn't this perfect place for AllMight's demise. We were told he should be here, but I can't see him anywhere. No matter, I still have role to play.

Purple void then surrounded us and in blink of an eye I was under water.

Izuku: (What the hell, that guy must have warping quirk. No that doesn't matter, I have to get out of here)

I used „Air Manipulation" to float myself from water on near boat, it turned out I was warped into shipwreck zone. I was looking around when Asui jumped from water holding Mineta on boat.

Izuku: Tsu, Mineta are you guys ok?

Asui: Yeah, looks like we are only ones who got warped here.

Izuku: I see, this is not good.

Mineta: What are you talking about, we just have to wait until pros arrive. These guys are here for AllMight so why won't we just wait for him to take them out.

Asui: That's not good idea.

Izuku: I agree, these guys thought this whole thing trough, comunication is jammed and we are all trapped here. I doubt they would do all of this if they weren't serious about killing AllMight. (Damn you bastard, you are making my life harder even when you are not around!)

Mineta: That is insane, we are gonna die here!

Izuku: Calm down Mineta and look down, I think we are at advantage here.

Asui: What do you mean?

Izuku: I think they know only staff that should be here, but I doubt they know anything about us or our quirks.

Asui: You have a point, if they knew then they would probably send me into fire zone than here.

Izuku: Yeah, look they are keeping their distance becouse they don't know what to expect from us. They are playing it safe. Kinda shame I can crush them with ease.

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