8.1. Internships

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Time skip 3 weeks

Few days after Sports festival Aizawa told us about our internships. During first 2 weeks my classmates got alot of offers, however I got only one, which wasn't suprising for me. It's pretty clear that most heroes don't like an idea of having thief in their agency. Offer came from no.7 hero Kamui Woods, which was really something. Shizumi got few offers too, but she settled on offer from hero named „Pankration". But bad news also came. Iida's brother Ingenium was everywhere around the news after it was revealed that he was attacked by Hero Killer, Stain. I tryed to approach him to see if he was ok, but eventho he said he is, I could see in his eyes that he wasn't. I tryed to get trough to him, but he always shut me down. After many tries I gave up, but that was mistake I would soon regret.

Now was time to finally meet with Woods. Weird thing was that eventho Woods is most active in Musutafu, his agency is suprisingly in Hosu city. I went into his office where people pointed me to and knocked on doors.

Kamui: Come in!

Izuku: Good afternoon sir. I came here on my internship.

Kamui: Ah, perfect Midoriya. Welcome on board young man. Please, just call me Woods.

Izuku: As you wish Woods, I am grateful that you let me in.

Kamui: No need to thank me. But I wanted to ask you, how many offers you've got except mine?

Izuku: The thing is, you were only one Woods, hehe.

Kamui: I see, I hope you are not down becouse of that.

Izuku: Nah, I get it, most heroes just don't want somebody with stealing quirk in their agency. I perfectly understand that. I was honestly suprised that I got even just your offer.

Kamui: (Jeez, this kid knows alot about how heroes care about reputation.) Yeah, but I chosen you becouse even if your quirk isn't exactly hero like, nobody can deny that you have potential. I want to be the one to teach you how whole hero thing works.

Izuku: (Hmm, I can feel in his voice that he is serious about all he is saying.) Thank you, most people don't see me that way.

Kamui: Kid you won't get anywhere if you will be like „most people".

Izuku: You are right, so when are we starting?

Kamui: I will first explain how our duties work. First you need to understand basics. We pro heroes are recieving wages from goverment, so we are basically civil servants. However there is more to it than that. With quirks we posses, our duties are abit differend from police and so on.

Izuku: Ok, so far I understand.

Kamui: Now about our actual duties. Basic hero call, control crime right. When crime occures, police will inform us. These requests come all at once filtred by dictricts. We then file reports on servises we provided, arrest assist, rescue people, ect. A special agency then looks at our work and decides how much we should be paid. They do it fast, payment comes every week with value of all servises we provided in previous week.

Izuku: I see, anything else?

Kamui: There is alot of it, but I will explain that later. For now you should know atleast these basics.

Izuku: Ok, so what now?

Kamui: We will go on patrol, I am sure you already heard about Stain right?

Izuku: Ow yeah, Hero Killer. He is supposed to be somewhere around right?

Kamui: That is correct, becouse of this, crime rate started going up here in Hosu, so more patrols are needed to keep peace here.

Izuku: I understand. Just give me 5 minutes to get ready.

Aizawa gave us permission to take our hero costumes with us, so I quickly changed and went on patrol trough streets with Woods.

Izuku: Hey Woods, I'm just curious but what made you choose me? Like I know I almost destroyed stadium 2 times, but still.

Kamui: I guess that it was your passion you shown. You were trying to not only win, but also push your opponent to his maximum. Except first match where you blown that guy out.

Izuku: I know, but would you let it slide if somebody insulted your girlfriend like that?

Kamui: Ofcourse not, I wasn't honestly suprised by your action. That also shown me you must be caring person if you let somebody call you monster but immidietaly take action if it's against someone else than you.

Izuku: Thank you

Kamui: So, who is she?

Izuku: Shouldn't you teach me how things work now?

Kamui: We have plenty of time for that. I always try to know who I am working with before action.

Izuku: I see, it is Shizumi Tonaga, you probably remember her from second round of final battles.

Kamui: Ah, that pretty girl with charming quirk. Not bad kid. How long were you together?

Izuku: When I think about it, I just realized that we will have our first anniversary in three weeks. Man I have to buy her something.

Kamui: If you ask me, you are in luck. Hosu city is known for having one of best jewelry stores in Japan.

Izuku: Jewelry huh. That's good idea, thanks Woods.

Kamui: No problem kid, but I want to ask you serious question now.

Izuku: Yes?

Kamui: How have you got so many quirks. It should be impossible to find so many powerful quirks just by luck.

Izuku: (Damn, he is sharp.) If I will tell you why, can you promise you will hear me out into the end and keep it just between us please?

Kamui: Fine then, now tell me.

Izuku: The thing is, in my living district aren't many heroes, so I was doing abit of Vigilante work and collecting quirks in process for practice. That fact that those quirks are powerful is just coincidence. I know that vigilantism is illegal, but there just wasn't enought people to protect us. I had to do something. (This is not really lie, only that part that those quirks are just coincidence.)

Kamui: I see. Are you still at it?

Izuku: No, after 6 months more heroes came into our district so there is no longer need for me being Vigilante.

Kamui: Very well, I get it. So you gave up on it.

Izuku: Yes, I want to be hero, but I needed those quirks to even got to starting line.

Kamui: You really are one of a kind, I was right to pick you.

Izuku: Thanks, by the way, if we come across some villains, do I have your permission to take their quirks?

Kamui: I honestly don't care about that. But try to restrain yourself.

Izuku: Don't worry about that, I am not powerhungry type. I will only pick quirks that will look good for me.

Kamui: If that's so, then you have my permission „Collector".

Done, see ya next time.

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