10.1. Final Exams

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Time skip 3 weeks

After mine and Shizumi's anniversary at monday when we came into classroom happened really finny thing. Shizumi decided that she wants to wear her ring as much as she can, meaning also in school. It was hilarious to see everybody's expression when Denki assumed we got engaged. But that got cut off when Aizawa told us about upcoming exams and about training camp for those who will pass. Most of our classmates started panic, ofcourse me and Shizumi didn't have to worry since we were in top 5 at midterms. Sure, we still had to study and all, but it wasn't really hard since I had pretty good idea about what we should be asked about and was paying attention in class. I decided to use this situation and offered Shizumi to study together so I could keep my promise about spending more time with her. She accepted and we also did some training for practical exams. I also gave Shizumi another quirk made from „Amphibian" and „Smokescreen" that should make her resistant to choking in smoke or poison gas and so on. After 2 weeks came our exams. First three days of written exam had passed now and it was only one thing remaining.

We were now all standing in front of arena for our practical exam with teachers.

Aizawa: Very well, let's begin your last test. Remember that it's possible to fail this final, so if you want to go on training camp, you better not do any stupid mistakes.

Jiro: Why are other teachers here?

Aizawa: I expect many of you gathered information and you have some basic idea of what to expect.

Denki: Ow yeah, robot destruction!

Mina: Good old fireworks, here we go!

???: Actualy this years test will be totally differend from previous ones.

We all looked at Aizawa to see principal Nezu crawl out of his scarf.

Momo: What do you mean differend!?

Nezu: Tests will have new focus now. There will be hero work ofcourse, but also teamwork and combat with acctual people. What does that mean for you? It means that you will work in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed U.A. teachers. Isn't that fabulous.

Mineta: We will fight with teachers?

Aizawa: Aditionally your partners and opponents were already chosen. They were determined in my discretion based on various factors including fighting style, grades and personal relationships. For starters Todoroki and Yaoyorozu will go against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugo.

Izuku/Bakugo: (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!)

Aizawa: And their opponent will be...

When Aizawa stopped speaking AllMight landed right in front of us.



Izuku/Bakugo: We are against AllMight!?

AllMight: You will have to work together in order to beat me boys.

Aizawa: Now let's look at your teams.

1. Sato, Kirishima vs Cementoss

2. Tokoyami, Asui vs Ectoplasm

3. Iida, Ojiro vs Power Loader

4. Todoroki, Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head

5. Uraraka, Aoyama vs 13

6. Kaminari, Ashido vs Nezu

7. Koda, Jiro vs Present Mic

8. Shoji, Mineta vs Snipe

9. Sero, Tonaga vs Midnight

10. Midoriya, Bakugo vs AllMight

Nezu: Now, each exam will have time limit 30 minutes. In order to win you have to put these special handcuffs on your teacher or one of you has to escape the combat stage.

Denki: So it's basically like combat training.

Mina: Yeah, but is it ok to just jet?

Nezu: Yes, it is.

13: As strange as it might sound, please think of us as villains.

Snipe: Assume that you'll come across your enemy, if you think you can win then fine.

Aizawa: However in instances when you are outmatched, it would be smarter to run away.

AllMight: That means this is also test of your decision making skills. However with these rules you might think your only real option is to run. That is why support course created these restrain accesoryes for us. These little things will add about half of our body weight to our physiques. It might not be much, but they will drain our stamina fast and it will be harder for us to move around.

Aizawa: Allright, teams will take turns in order I told you earlier. Kirishima and Sato, we already have stage prepared for you.

Sato/Kirishima: Yes sir!

Aizawa: Everyone else can either watch exams or try to strategize before their exam. It's your call. That's all.

Time skip 3 hours

After 3 hours first 8 teams finished their exams. I was honestly suprised when Kirishima and Sato lost their match with Cementoss. But I guess it was inevitable since those 2 are based on brute force and can easyly get exhausted. Asui's and Tokoyami's battle with Ectoplasm was also pretty interesting. Especially end when Dark Shadow sneaked on Ectoplasm and handcuffed him. About Iida and Ojiro, they passed thanks to the fact that Iida kept Power Loader at bay and gave Ojiro chance to run away. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu had pretty emotional battle with Eraser Head. It kinda annoyed me to see Momo having crisis in middle of fight but Todoroki managed to wake her up from it and they handcuffed Aizawa. Next one was Uraraka and Aoyama, which was really weird when in end Uraraka swiched into mini combat machine and handcuffed 13. After them were Denki with Mina, who not suprisingly failed their fight with Nezu becouse of time limit. I have to admit that guy is serious genius. Then was Jiro's and Koda's turn, which they passed when they managed to knock out Present Mic. Afterwards was turn for Mineta and Mezo. I have to say I was impressed how well they worked together, especially when Mezo used himself as decoy to give Mineta chance to stick Snipe on place and give Mezo opening to knock him down.

Shizumi left me alone since she wanted to talk about strategy with Sero. Ofcourse I couldn't do anything else then that watch others since I would have to go into another universe to have even chance to have normal conversation with Bakugo.

Now I was in monitoring room to watch Shizumi's and Sero's exam against Midnight.

We will see that later. See ya next time

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