10.2. Closer To Hero

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Time skip 2 minutes

Shizumi and Sero were walking around trying to find way from arena.

Sero: I don't like this, where could she be?

Shizumi: I don't know, better stay on guard.

Sero: Yeah

???: Hello there

Midnight suddenly appeared near them. Sero used his tape to get Shizumi away. However when he did that Midnight took advantage of situation and pulled Sero's helmet off and used her quirk to put him to sleep.

Shizumi: And just when I said to be on guard Sero.

Midnight: Ow, somebody is angry here. Maybe you should take a nap too.

Midnight then used her quirk again and made cloud of sleeping gas around Shizumi, which didn't have any effect.

Shizumi: Is that all?

Midnight: What, you shouldn't be awake now. How did you do that?

Shizumi: Let's just say my boyfriend is really generous person and is always trying to find more ways to keep me safe. He wouldn't be even able to sleep at night if there was chance something could happen to me.

Midnight: Ah, Midoriya. I should have guessed that one. I have to say, he peeked my interest. I never met a man who could keep his composure in my presence like him. Say, would you mind to share him?

Izuku: (Ow fuck. You better say your last prayers Midnight.)


Shizumi then used her strength enhancer and in split of second punched Midnight into near boulder.

Izuku: (This was waaay too extreme, but I am not complaining tho. Your power really grown Shi.)

Midnight: Allright, that hurt.

Shizumi: It will hurt more soon.

Shizumi then used her enhancer again but Midnight started swinging her whip everywhere. However Shizumi was too fast for her to hit and started punching Midnight from all sides and angles until she knocked Midnight out and handcuffed her.

Shizumi: Don't try to mess with my man.

Izuku: (Allright, this was kinda scary. Still, she has really good grasp on her quirks and what do you know, I even managed to help her with that new quirk.)

2 minutes later Shizumi came into monitoring room.

Izuku: Great job there „beautiful".

I kissed Shizumi on cheek, which made her blush abit.

Shizumi: Thank you „handsome". You better pass your exam too now.

Izuku: Count on it.

Shizumi: Look, I know this isn't really comfortable turn of events an-

I put my finger on Shizumi's lips.

Izuku: You don't have to say more. I promise I am allright, you don't have to worry about me. Those times when he had power and I didn't are in past. Now I have power and I will show him what I am capable of doing with it.

Shizumi put her hand on my cheek.

Shizumi: Fine then, I believe in you my love.

Izuku: Thank you, that's all I need to hear.

Shizumi then kissed me on lips.

Shizumi: Now go and rip him apart.

I simply winked at her and walked from room towards arena.

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