13.1. Big 3

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Time skip to Monday

After our licence exam was over I send picture of mine licence to my parents to let them know I passed and I decided to send it to AllMight aswell. We got back to our dorms where most of us instantly went to sleep, me included. We had weekend for ourselves and before we knew it, it was already Monday. In the morning principal Nezu gave to all students of school little speech, where we heard something called „hero work study", which really peeked my interest.

All of us were now in our classroom.

Aizawa: Ok, starting today, we are resuming your normal classes and training schedule. I know that alot has happened in last weeks, however you need to switch gears becouse this semester will be even harsher than before.

Asui: Mr. Aizawa, what were those things that principal was talking about during ceremony. I never heard about hero work studies before.

Sero: Yeah, that confused me too.

Momo: He said about that we upper classmans participate in, correct?

Aizawa: I wanted to explain that some other time, but it might be best now. To put it simply, it's work outside of class, like internships you did before, only closer to real thing. This isn't part of your normal classes, it's discretionary for each student. Now that you have your provisional licences, you can assist in real ways for longer periods of time. Until now, there weren't many 1st years who got them. With growing number of villains we are also exploring idea of you 1st years also participating in work studies too. We will discuss more about it at later date, but for now, we have other things to worry about.

Time skip 2 days

For next 2 days we had normal school like Aizawa told us. It wasn't anything special, but it was nice to have for once just normal day after all that happened during our vacation. Anyways we were now again having our homeroom class.

Aizawa: Morning, as I said we will go now into more details about what „work studies" entail. Come in!

Suddenly door opened and 3 people walked inside our classroom. One blue haired girl and two guys. One with blonde hair, who was pretty bulked up, and 2nd with dark hair and kinda gloomy face.

Aizawa: I'll have people who experienced them first hand explain. I suggest that you listen closely when they will be pointing out how is work study differend from internship. These 3 are 3rd years of U.A. and highest ranked in our student body. You may know them as „big 3".

Izuku: (Wait, I remember that blondie. He was participating in sports festival last year.)

Aizawa: Ok, introduce yourselves. Let's start with Amajiki.

When Aizawa called that gloomy guy out my classmates looked kinda scared for some reason. What was even weirder was when that guy started to mumble something about potatoes and turned away from us, which made me really confused.

Tamaki: I wanna just go home.

1-A: HUH?

Ojiro: Are you really one of U.A. top students?

Nejire: Ow come on, you need heart of a lion, not a kitten. Eventho you are human you get what I mean? This is Tamaki Amajiki and my name is Nejire Hado. I am supposed to tell you about work studies here.

Suddenly Hado started bombarding everyone with random questions, which was kinda cute I guess, but I could see Aizawa getting annoyed.

Aizawa: This is complete waste of time.

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