✔️one - sucker punched

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Priyanka Ashmira Patel wheeled herself up the ramp to the airplane, ignoring the passenger's pitiful looks.

'Save it for those who want it', she thought to herself bitterly

Thanks to the lack of exercising, Priyanka was weak and thin. This caused her to call over a flight attendant to put her suitcase in the luggage compartment rather reluctantly.

She hated asking for help.

After relaxing on the airplane chair, the girl rested her head on the headrest, and remembered when she got kicked out.

When she got sucker punched.

- one week before -

"CAN YOU COME DOWN FOR A SECOND?" Priyanka's mother, Manjot Patel, called from the intercom embedded in Priyanka's room.

"COMING," Priyanka called back, hooking her arms through the wheels of her chair, and she braked down The small slope leading to the elevator.

The villa that Priyanka's parents owned was 5 floors, and the white walls and glass chairs were only a small flaunt of their egregious wealth.

When the elevator doors opened again, Priyanka was facing her parents.

"What's up?" Priyanka asked, smacking her lips against the pink bubble gum inside of her naturally red lips.

"Priyanka, you will be attending Forks High School with your uncle, Charlie," her father peered down at her.

He had his hands on his hips in the traditional brown dad kicking his disappointment of a daughter out.

Priyanka choked on her bubble gum in shock. "Seriously?"

"Yes. You'll spend your remaining 6 months of academics in Forks. You leave in one week," her mother finished, and turned on her heel, walking away.

Priyanka's father gave her one last pained look, before following his wife out.

And then they were gone.

Now Priyanka knew that her parents didn't like her even more so since her twin sister, the perfect one, Padma Patel, had moved out and was living the med school life, while Priyanka had narcolepsy.

But she never really expected them to go to these lengths to kick her out.

Narcolepsy meant that she fell asleep at random moments.

Which was right now.

Priyanka's head rolled back, as she rested peacefully.

Her parents knew what had happened judging from the lack of noise, and sighed wearily.

Meanwhile, Priyanka slept, and dreamed.

The dark horse in charge of the dreamland kicked her in the face, and at once she was transported into her memories.

Like when she almost drowned in a pool after falling asleep at age 6.

Or, broke her arms falling down the stairs at age 8.

Many accidents coming to mind in her narcoleptic body, Priyanka shot awake, gasping.

And wheeled herself back to the elevator, no one noticing the stray tear on her paled face.

edited : 3/4/21

omg ew this was only 400 words i-

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