14; decisions

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Bella shook her head violently, "No. She wouldn't want it."

The Cullens- actually, make that Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, and Edward.

Cody was still MIA, everyone thought Rosalie was trying to look for him, when in reality she was plotting something much more deadly.

Emmett was with the Denali's. Alice insisted, but no one knew why.

Edward only got a glimpse into Alice's mind before she sprang out of the house.

She was adamant to keep the secret, well... a secret.

They were currently arguing on Priyanka's mortality state.


Esme, Carlisle and Edward were for Priyanka's immortality, as they saw how it could benefit her.

Alice, Jasper, who trusted his mate, and Bella were against Priyanka being stuck in the same physical state forever.

"Please, trust me, guys. Don't you want Emmett to be hap-" Alice froze.

Carlisle steepled his fingers together patiently. "What was that, Alice? Is that why Emmett is currently entertaining the Denali's?"

Alice gulped. "Emmett is such a big part of Bella's life," she tried to cover it up.

Rosalie snorted, causing everyone to whirl around in surprise and shock.

"Where were you, honey?" Esme reached forward, but Rosalie yanked her hand back.

"Nowhere that you should concern yourself with, Mother," Rosalie sneered, venom pooling in her mouth.

Esme flinched back.

Everyone was used to Rosalie's sullen and surly attitude, and let it go with good graces, but this was too far.

And Cody wasn't there to remind everyone to stay calm.

"Rosalie Lillian Hale, show some respect!" Carlisle stepped forward, voice quiet but strong. Even in anger, Carlisle would never raise his voice against one of his own.

He had had enough.

Edward and Alice, however, would.

Especially towards their sibling.

But this wasn't good natured fun.

And no one knew it except Rosalie.

Bella shrank back as Rosalie sneered at her.

" Let the girl die. Or change her, I couldn't care less. She's dead meat either way. I'll kill her myself if I have to." The blonde girl snarled

Edward hissed angrily. "What's wrong with you? And- w- where's Cody?"

Jasper looked around curiously, but his anger, rage, and thirst for bloodshed grew, mainly from Rosalie who was manipulating his gift.

"Rosalie... stop it... pl... ease..." Jasper croaked out, hand outstretched.

"JASPER! NO!" Edward screamed, shielding Bella with his body, while Carlisle raced at Jasper, and Esme cradled the frail, unconscious girl in her arms.

It was too... late.


Carlisle surveyed the ruined forest and wrecked living room warily.

"Rosalie's gone," He whispered to Esme sadly. Carlisle was heartbroken as his family was split into tiny pieces.

"So is Cody, and... what do we do with Bella's friend?" Esme asked, rubbing Jasper's back softly.

"I donn't kn-" Carlisle was cut off by Priyanka blinking one eye open.

"Where the hell am I?" She questioned weakly, brandishing her arm in front of her like a sword.

"Priyanka? Priyanka!" Bella yelled, rushing to her friend's side.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME," Priyanka, still bleary, screamed.

"Stay away from me, all of you," her voice broke in despair.

The Cullens may not have known it then, but Priyanka Patel would never be the same.

The facade was off.

The happy go lucky, smiling, cheerful girl was long gone.

Replaced with it was a depressed, pained, young woman.

Her true self had been revealed.


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