20; sue

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Priyanka cocked her head while she smiled softly.

It had been a long time since she had seen a girl fight, and they were absolutely voracious.

Brayden and Davis stalked forward confidently, and grabbed Rochelle's wavy hair, tugging viciously.

"I'll make you pay," Davis growled.

Their menacing demeanours quickly disappeared, however, when Rochelle began laughing, voice cracking as she did.

"What...?" Brayden whispered, backing away slowly.

Rochelle clamped her pale arms around Davis' waist, still laughing.

"You want me to pay? Watch me..."

And Rochelle began banging her head on the wall.


Blood poured out of Rochelle's head, dying her blonde hair, and matting the wall.

Davis let out a strangled shriek and shook Rochelle off of him.

Angelica and Brayden stood there with their mouths open in shock, but Angelica stepped forward, swinging a switchblade.

"Let's just finish what we started," Angelica whispered.

Rochelle was cackling now, but Priyanka felt the need to intervene.

So she did.

Lifting the hood up, to conceal her identity to the security guards, Priyanka stepped out of the shadows.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Lucky thing I'm not, though, as you three are going to be in a lot of heat soon." The girl mused.

Angelica looked up. "Who- who are y-you?" She stammered.

Rochelle inhaled, and then stopped laughing.

Priyanka winked at her, glad they were on the same page.

In one swift motion, Priyanka wiped the blade Angelica had on the bloody wall, creating a 'murder' effect, tore her hair out of the ponytail raggedly, and matter her face with Rochelle's blood, now looking like a victim.

To make it better, Priyanka let two tears roll down her cheeks, and wiped on on Rochelle's face before slamming the emergency button with one hand.

Priyanka and Rochelle looked at eachother before cuddling up close, and burst into tears.


"What is going on- HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO?" A woman in white scrubs' jaw dropped.

"Go, go call the police," she told one security guard.

"And you, apprehend them now!"

Priyanka and Rochelle would've smiled.

What a wonderful day to put someone in jail.

Especially an innocent one.

"B-but I-I we- we didn't do it!" Angelica begged, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Do you feel pity? Cause I don't," Priyanka admitted in a whisper to Rochelle, who was quietly laughing.

"No. No, I don't."

Secretly, Rochelle was worried whether or not the other girl wanted thanks for helping her out, and Rochelle sure hoped not.

Besides, Priyanka seemed pretty cool. For a seemingly innocent girl, anyway.

Secretly, Priyanka was hoping Rochelle would let her stick around. Goodness knew, she needed a partner in crime.

And, Rochelle was legit. For a seemingly crazy girl, anyway.


"Are you okay?" The nurses cooed after Priyanka and Rochelle, who were huddled up, tears trailing down their red faces once again.

The nurses here were way too easy to manipulate.

"Y-yes" Rochelle hiccuped. "W-we- can we- can we see her?" The nurse flinched back from the amount of venom Rochelle spat when talking about the other girl.

"Uhm, sure..." The nurse conferred with an attending, who nodded after some time.

"Okay, girls, we'll let you see them for five minutes, okay?" The nurse smiled comfortingly.

"Th-thank you!" Priyanka smiled, eyes flashing.

They sashayed into the room, grinning broadly.

Angelica was huddled on one corner of an old hospital bed. The girls were 19 so all of them were eligible to go to jail.

"Hi!" Rochelle giggled, skipping over to the bed, and grabbing the other blonde's hair roughly, lifting Angelica's blotched face to meet Rochelle's.

Priyanka stood by the door, cracking her knuckles.

They were going to have fun.

Lots and lots of it.

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