17; therapy

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"Oh my- Lord, save me," Priyanka gasped theatrically. Facing back to Carlisle Cullen, her trauma doctor and counsellor, she smiled sweetly. "I. Don't. Care."

Carlisle steepled his fingers together patiently. "We have established that, Priyanka. Now, onto the second question: do you have any friends?"

Priyanka giggled. Her legs were flung over the back of the comfortable chair, and her hair was draped gently over her face.

Even upside down, Priyanka Patel was as snarky and sassy as ever, as Carlisle Cullen was beginning to find out.

"Does it look like I do? If I did, I wouldn't BE here. Jeez, thought doctors were smart. Maybe it's just you," Priyanka shrugged. Normally, she would be slapping herself for the sheer amount of disrespect she was showing, but this wasn't normal.

Not at all.

Carlisle sighed, checking his watch tiredly. "You're session is done, Ms. Patel. You may go. I'll see you next week."

Priyanka rolled onto the floor at once. "See ya, sucker!"

Carlisle blinked his eyes. "Truly a pity."


"How was it, honey?" Esme rubbed her husbands shoulders gently, picking up on his stress level immediately.

"I just... I can't seem to get through to that poor girl. She's probably moping in her hospital room. They won't let her leave, and for good reason. She isn't... well."

"How bad is she? The secretary won't let me see Priyanka," Alice popped her head in the door, making a face.

Esme sighed. "Alice, that's patient privacy!" She sang.

Alice scrunched her pale nose up.

"Um, no. I will find out what's wrong with her. Mark my words. I just have to figure Rosalie out first..." Her voice trailed off as the petite girl skipped off, probably to find Jasper and Cody.

Emmett was back home, albeit confused, and Edward was busy consoling Bella, who, on her menstrual cycle, stress with Priyanka, and her mother almost dying, was nearly in hysterics.

Rosalie came home once every week to check on Cody, and then she was gone.


Esme had kept her for a few minutes one night, but Rosalie had just sighed, and replied sadly, "I just need some time off, Esme. Edward had it, Carlisle had it, Emmett had it. Alice and Jasper had it, and Cody did too. Why can't I?"

Cody wasn't doing to well himself, Rosalie not giving him attention or love.

And even Esme could not argue with that.


Back at the hospital, Priyanka was surprisingly not moping in her bed.

Okay, maybe she moped a little, but the girl plotted much more.

Thank the lord above he's gone, Priyanka rolled her eyes, and ducked under the curtain, walking towards the grey steel door.

Priyanka was excited to go home, and by home, she meant the cozy apartment right next door to the hospital.

She didn't want to have to see Bella, Charlie would be too painful, and, besides, Priyanka had turned 19 two weeks ago.

Her birthday had consisted of counselling, cookies from the vending machine, bullying some doctors, and sleep.

Very eventful.

Nevertheless, Priyanka was counting the seconds until she could be set free.


Not even her narcolepsy seemed to hold her down.

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