33; cuddles and fluff

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"Priyanka," Emmett whined, sliding the hot plate of curry chicken back at her, "It's so gross!"

Priyanka gasped in retaliation, "How dare you! We are breaking up this instant!" and clutching her hand to her chest, she tried to put on her best offended face.

Emmett's face twisted, "It's so spicy," he whined, "Why is it so spicy? Your cookin-" he was stopped by Priyanka's glare.

"Don't EVER bring the cooking up," she glared, and stood up, walking towards her bedroom, "No cuddles for you."

"NO!" Emmett tripped over his chair trying to get out of them, "WAIT! COME BACK! I'M SORRY!"

Rosalie looked up from her soft position, flipping through the newest fashion magazines, Cody's head in her lap. "Whipped." She remarked slyly.

Jasper and Alice would have agreed, and so would have Bella and Edward had they been there.

Rosalie was forgiven, mainly because Bella and Priyanka were confused on exactly what happened in the first place. Esme and Alice also had soft spots for Rosalie, Jasper knew she was feeling guilt and sadness, and Rosalie was Emmett's favourite sister.

And, of course, Carlisle couldn't bear to boycott his adoptive daughters tearful request.

Emmett swung Priyanka over his back, running up the stairs, and gently placing her on his bed, kissing the top of her head softly, "Cuddles? Please?" He asked, puppy dog eyes activated.

Priyanka sighed, "Alright, come on. I might honestly just sleep anyways so..."

Emmett chuckled, coddling Priyanka in his embrace, and flipped the blankets onto the two.

Priyanka's mind was calm and clear, embracing Emmett's ocean breeze scent, while Emmett's mind was racing; quite the contrast.

He had no idea how to tell her that they were in fact immortal. It was enough that she had lived at the Cullen home for almost 3 weeks, but she was now romantically engaged in a vampire.

It wasn't ethically right, even though nothing about their lives was ethical. Or moral, for that matter.

So as soon as Emmett felt Priyanka's breathing steady, he slipped out of her outstretched arms and tip-toed to the living room where Carlisle and Esme had appeared, playing a round of chess.

Emmett moved Esme's bishop, locking her into a win, and asked the crucial question.

"What do I do?"


Priyanka sat up, not surprised that Emmett was gone. She had noticed something strange after meeting the Cullens properly, and after begging/threatening Bella to show Edward her underwear drawer which Bella seemed very uncomfortable about [Priyanka looked into it afterwards, and the drawer was a mix of chocolates and lacy underwear].

Maybe it was the fact that whenever she woke up at night, Emmett, lying beside her, would freeze. Cold, freezing skin against her own warm tone.

Or maybe that she'd always notice the Cullens being effortlessly...perfect. They tried to hide it from her, but when she added it up, and Bella told her, she didn't argue.

Priyanka was excellent at hiding herself from others, which was probably why no one noticed.

Not even Edward. And Priyanka knew about him, too.

So she hid her curious thoughts behind a thick wall of innocent, small-brained feelings.

"What do I do?" She asked herself.

Because the irrefutable fact was that the Cullens were vampires.

And Priyanka desperately wanted to become one. With all of her heart. Especially if she could stay with her new family. They were all she had.

She didn't get to finish her thought, however, after she fell back down in her bed, sleeping before she hit it.


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