05; side effects

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"Mrs and Mr Patel, I am so sorry. It appears that your daughter, Priyanka has one of the rarest cases of narcolepsy we've encountered in... several years, I'm afraid." The most experienced doctor in India, Kazmandu Riyak told Inderjit and Manjot Patel solemnly.

"Leave it to my daughter to contract something like that," Manjot, Priyanka's mother, snarled bitterly.

"Ma'am- your daughter didn't contract this, per se. It appears, after some extensive research, that something went wrong with the pregnancy. Not only is this already a rare form of chance, but... whatever happened to your daughter, it came... through you." Kazmandu winced internally as he delivered the information.

"Or your husband," He added under his breath.

"Please. There was nothing wrong with Padma, and there certainly was nothing that went through me for... this child," Manjot stared pointedly at her youngest daughter who was building blocks at the moment.

Six-year old Priyanka stared at her cold mother unflinchingly.

It was only when Priyanka's mother smiled, that Priyanka jerked back as if a whip had hit her, and blinked her eyes several times.

Manjot Patel's smile was like a shell at the bottom of the ocean; cold, painful, and severe.

Most of all, it was terrifying, similar to the rush of paranoia when you don't want to step on one.

"We'll have to give her medications for her narcolepsy, of course," Kazmandu continued, oblivious to the mental abuse occurring, "and even though it won't stop the narcolepsy, it will make the symptoms so that Priyanka does not sleep at night, and only receives these episodes during day."

"Wonderful," Was Priyanka's father's grunt through his tight-lipped smile.

"This will, of course, spread to her nervous system so that the drug knows when it must take effect," Kazmandu hesitated.

"Of course," Manjot repeated quietly.

"But... sperzlcoln comes with several... severe... side effects..." Kazmandu halted.

"List them if you must," sighed Inderjeet blandly, checking his watch with absolutely no thought for his daughter's rapidly declining health.

"Sperzcoln stops the height process, makes the consumer's fertility chance significantly decrease, shortens the attention span, weaken the immune system, increase migraines and muscle pain, and irregulates menstrual cycles," Kazmandu rattled off surgically.

"It's also rather expensive-" The doctor was cut of by Priyanka's mother throwing her hands up angrily.

"EXPENSIVE? You better be giving us a discount for even keeping the child! Can't she be, why, I don't know, some sort of donation to science? I mean, you wouldn't even know this without her! Expensive! Please!" Manjot ranted furiously.

And it was then, at the tender age of six, that Priyanka realized that her parents really didn't care about her.

In the end, the Patel parents bought thirty-two doses of the most deadly drug to children -sperzlcoln- every month.

That was when Priyanka's problems began, and it only got worse from there.



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