19; roach

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"Who are you?" The pale blonde sneered at Priyanka. "Did they send you?"

"Who?" Replied the girl, mystified.

"Brayden, Angelica, Davis, of course," The blonde frowned. "Hey, are you even from Port Angeles?"

"No," Priyanka admitted, still surprised she was having a normal conversation with someone.

"I'm transferred from Forks."

"Ahh," the thin girl nodded, rising from the bed unsteadily.

Priyanka made no move to help her, even though the girl stumbled while walking towards her.

"Thanks," The blonde smiled. Priyanka began to scowl, until the girl giggled genuinely.

"No, really. I'm sick and tired of people helping me unnecessarily. "

"Mmm." Priyanka mused. This girl was beginning to to sound like the Indian female herself.

"Ugh, and when I have to act all thankful for their help? Like, I didn't ask in the first place, dude."

Priyanka giggled softly. She knew exactly how that felt.

"Rochelle," The girl didn't stick her hand out for formalities, but both of them had enough of formalities for ten lifetimes.

They understood each other that way.

"Priyanka," Priyanka replied. She inched closer.

"What are you in here for?" Priyanka asked, gesturing at the girls weak figure.

"Anorexia,"The girl made a face. "I got a double count, actually. Attempted suicide after I found out. Clearly I didn't succeed."

Priyanka nodded. "Suicide too. And a psychological case. Apparently I'm suffering from major mood swings that come primarily from sperzcoln."

The girl raised her eyebrows.

"I get really, really sick, and really, really mean from a drug," Priyanka explained.

"Ooh, we don't get many of those here." Rochelle giggled.

"How long have you be-" Priyanka was interrupted by the sound of the door banging open.

Annoyed, she drew herself to the darkness in the corner of the private room.

"What's good, Roach!" A girl stalked into the room. "Don't think we forgot what you did. As if trying to kill yourself could save you."

Two boys followed her, snickering softly.

Priyanka frowned, but her new acquaintance could fight her own battles.

Priyanka wasn't fighting for anyone anymore.

No matter how relatable they were.

"This may surprise you, Angelica, but not everything revolves around you. You do know that, right?"


"Nope. Just- just shut up, okay?" Rochelle snarled. She grabbed her IV connecter to the rolling pole and began walking towards Angelica, and who Priyanka assumed was Brayden and Davis.

Priyanka's eyes traveled down Rochelle's legs, curious to see why Rochelle was limping so badly.

She flinched back, seeing the blonde's purple and red, cut up legs barely covered with gauze.

The girl was clearly a jumper; a lucky one at that.

Swallowing, Priyanka focused on the Netflix drama in front of her.

Who needed Grey's Anatomy when you could watch Rochelle "The Roach" take on Angelica "The Devil"?

Angelica backed up, fear evident in her green eyes.

Rochelle continued, "Stay away from me, okay? I won't hesitate to knock you out again. And don't think for a second that if you touch me, I won't sue the life out of you."

One of the blonde haired dyed green boys stepped up, scowling. "You're just a freak, Roach. If you think for a second that we'll forget about this..."

"Mrs.Garrison told your mom, by the way- wait, is she your mom? There are so many woman, I don't think even your father remembers what his first wife looked like-"

Rochelle leaped forward with surprising strength and slapped Angelica on the face.

Priyanka quietly whistled, appreciating the red hand-mark on Angelica's face.

Slapping was a fine art, and if Priyanka had a dollar for every time she had been slapped, or wanted to slap someone, she'd be rich.

Angelica's ringed hand flew to her face, caressing it softly.

"Get her, boys" She snarled.

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