13; resist

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Bella fumbled with the padlock, Cody standing back while he held his nose.

The main reason while she had brought Cody with her was that he would've ran away, seeing the stressful situation the Cullens were in, and also, with the utmost concentration, could heal anyone and any living thing.

The main problem, however, was if Cody smelled blood outside of the body, he would go crazy trying to consume it.

Cody was like novocaine to Jasper; any blood inside the body, and he was just another human.

Finally unlocking the door, Bella burst inside, ignoring the pang of pain that she felt when her arm smack against the fireplace edge.

Cody lifted Bella up and sped upstairs, making it to the bathroom instinctually.

He almost dropped her, though, when they saw the frail, pale girl sinking slowly in the bathtub, not sure where the blood started and the water ended.

Until Bella turned green, and Cody whirled around, hitting the doorframe in horror.

It was all blood.

"We- c'mon, Cody!" Bella begged, slowly turning from green to grey, recoiling from the revolting smell.

"I-I can't" Cody gasped out. He choked out something, then sprinted out of the room.

Bella wasn't surprised. She was only glad Cody got her to the house before it was too late.

Collecting her thoughts and putting her disgust for blood aside, Bella gently reached forward and lifted Priyanka's corpse out of the stained red tub.

Bella stroked Priyanka's hair softly and bit back tears. "You could've told me, I could've helped..."

Bella sat there numbly, Priyanka laid on her lap, and waited.


"Did you deal with Charlie?" Carlisle ran next to Edward, Alice, and Rosalie.

"Yes. Cody is with Jasper and Emmett." Edward answered, not wasting a breath as they sped up around the corner towards Bella's house.

"Good. He doesn't need to see the turmoil right now. And, Alice, I've been meaning to ask you. Why Emmett? He's got good control." Carlisle asked the petite girl.

Alice sped up worriedly, "About that..."

Alice was saved from answering as they sprinted up the stairs, wincing at the smell of blood, metallic and crimson and deathly.

Cody whimpered, turning away from the room, shaking Rosalie's outstretching hand away.

She growled in response, but chose to let her mate go, inwardly crying at the lack of love Cody showed, but knew she had to give him space in that moment.

Rosalie knew her love life was complicated the moment she found Cody, curled into himself, bleeding profusely on the cold barn floor.

Everyone fell quiet, however, as they came upon Edward's brunette blood singer clutching Priyanka by the wrists, stopping the blood flow.

Esme whirled around, making sure not to breathe, but her compassion burned through her; pity coursing through her stone veins.

Carlisle lifted Priyanka off of Bella, directing Edward to calm Bella down, Esme and Alice to clean, and cradled the young girl to his chest.

In all of the chaos, Rosalie watched by the door, looking at Bella with scorn and the small Indian girl with a tinge of pity.

Just a little bit.

Carlisle leaped out of the window, racing back to the Cullen home while Esme, Edward, and Alice cleaned the bathroom sparingly.

Rosalie turned back, hair whipping around her face as she stalked out of the house.

Cody could wait.

Rosalie had plans.

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