31; surprise guest(s)

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The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

Priyanka's jaw dropped, and she almost dropped her phone too. "Wh- what?" She asked, still in shock.

"I'm so sorry ma'am-," the man's voice became muffled as Priyanka held the phone close to her and started jumping for joy.

"THANK GOD! GOD, YES! YES YOU! THANK YOU! I PROMISE, I'LL DO MY PRAYERS EVERYDAY FROM NOW ON- THANK YOU GOD!" Priyanka screamed in ecstasy, smiling like a madman.

Far down, a faint ring could be heard when everyone's ears were strained; the doorbell.

Emmett approached Priyanka quietly from the back, not expecting her to notice him, and having a mini heart attack when she held up her hand, "Who is it, babe?"

Emmett scooped Priyanka into a hug, and dragged her back inside teasingly, "Let's see, sweetheart,"

Unfortunately, he knew who it was from their scent, and he was not pleased.

- C U L L E N L I V I N G R O O M-

Carlisle looked up from his protective stance, "Well good morning, Priyanka! How was your sleep?"

Priyanka clambered off of Emmett, "Hi, Carlisle. It was good, thank you. I assume yours was too."

Carlisle smiled tersely. He had smelled the scent too, and was defensive until further notice as he nodded to his son.

Emmett held Priyanka's hand gently as the door opened, and Rosalie Hale appeared.

Carlisle inclined his head warningly, "Good to see you, Rosalie,"

She smiled sadly in return. Rosalie had planned the meeting out so very carefully. Esme, Edward, Alice, Bella, Jasper and Cody were out, leaving one human, Rosalie's sire, and her favourite brother.

Did I mention one human?

"Hello, Carlisle. Emmett... Priyanka," Rosalie acknowledged the other two with a sad smile.

"I need to talk to you, Carlisle. It's quite urgent," Rosalie looked down, a rare form of submission, and Carlisle inclined his head in agreement, leading her into the house.

"Oh, Priyanka, you have a guest coming soon," Rosalie said, and Priyanka didn't know it, but apology was laced in Rosalie's simple statement.

Carlisle and Emmett detected it, however, and Emmett kissed his sister on the cheek warmly, and Carlisle led her away.

Priyanka looked up, confused, "Rosalie, right?" Emmett had told her about Rosalie a week before,"Pfft. Like anyone'd visit me-"

Priyanka was interrupted by the inescapable ringing of the doorbell, to which she leaped, rather aggravatingly, to slam shut, and opened the door with a huff.

"WHO- oh. R-Rochelle," Priyanka whispered, body leaning to the side as Rochelle stepped in, albeit uninvited, to the Cullen home.

Emmett having already recognized the elephant in the room disappeared quickly and quietly, much to the girl's relief.

They stared at each other in disbelief and awkwardness before both tried to break the ice and silence.

"I'm really sorry, Rochelle. I- to be honest, I have no idea why I said what I did. I love you Rochelle, but not like that. I should've come to you sooner to apologize; truly, I am sorry," Priyanka said in a quick breath.

Rochelle stared at her before breaking into a small smile," I'm glad that you apologized Pri, 'cause I wasn't about to,"

Priyanka approached her slowly, "Is your- is your brother doing well?"

Rochelle's placid features twisted into something poisoned, "About that. Reagan actually ended up not making it through his surgery. So, yeah, he's gone. For real now,"

Priyanka brought her friend into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Ro,"

There was truly nothing else to say.

Priyanka lifted her head, "Is... was someone helping you throughout the process while I was... gone?"

They both noticed the way that neither said the words left, abandoned, and love. Avoided the literature that could leave them heartbroken.

"Yeah," Rochelle sniffed, "Theres this girl, Lauren Mallory. She's.. she's not that bad."

"Good," Priyanka smiled, and stroked Rochelle's hair softly, "That's good,"

And the two revelled in each other's presence for as long as they could.


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