22; girl

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Priyanka swallowed hard, trying not to cry.

She had to get surgery for her pterion to survive.

The drug she had consumed for ten years impacted the top of her skull so badly that if Priyanka didn't receive the surgery...

..she would die.

"Yeah," Priyanka croaked out. "Yeah, Ill... I'll take it."

The nurse delivering the information to her nodded solemnly. "I'll bring a doctor in here for you. Oh, and you have a guest."

"Okay. Okay, yeah. That'll be great." Priyanka smiled weakly.

The nurse walked out. "I'll let your guest in."

Priyanka closed her eyes quietly, heart beating the same rhythm as Rochelle's high tops running towards her.

"Hey. You good?" Rochelle smoothed Priyanka 's hair back softly.

The girl's eyes looked up to the blonde above her, eyes glassy with concern.

"Why- why do you care?" Priyanka whispered, heart beating unnaturally fast.

She knew the answer already, however.


Rochelle tip toed over a sleeping intern who was snoring quietly.

"Let's go, let's go!" She whisper-shouted to Priyanka, who was following her.

"Rochelle, I-" Priyanka slumped forward, and was about to hit her head on a gurney's leg, before Rochelle half jumped, half leaped towards her, catching her in a romantic position, head dipped only a few centimetres away from the other girl.

Priyanka, asleep, oblivious to the battle Rochelle was having in her mind, breathed in the other girl's lilac scent, smiling peacefully.

Now or never, Rochelle thought, and swallowing her fears leaned down to kiss her-

"Rochelle?" Priyanka's eyes opened, mouth exhaling.

The blonde flinched back, trying and failing to act casual. "Yeah, uhh, you fell. I was just- go ahead- you can get up now."

Rochelle pushed Priyanka out of her arms roughly, and the other girl stumbled back, confused and still groggy.

I can't let her know until the time is right- but I have to tell her- she can't end up like Reagan did...

No. I won't let that happen.

Not again.


While Rochelle was confessing her love for Priyanka, Rosalie was in a bind.

"Why are you here?" Jane wondered, head high in arrogance.

"For your... help," Rosalie admitted, swallowing her pride and dignity in one go.

The corners of Jane's lips lifted languidly. "Is that so?"

Rosalie nodded mutely.

"And why," Jane flitted to the other blonde's side, "should I?"

Rosalie bit her stone-cold tongue. "P-please."

Jane snarled. "What? I didn't hear that. Say. It. Louder."

Rosalie bowed her head. "Please. Jane, please help me." The clarity in her voice rang out loud.

There were no regrets.

"Help me get rid of her."

Rosalie wouldn't look back this time.


Alice shook her head.

"No. Reject her! Reject it! NO! DON'T!"

Jasper rubbed his soulmate's back comfortingly. "It's okay, darlin'. I promise-"

Emmett walked in. "Just tell me who's bugging you, sis. I'll snap their neck, it's no big deal!"

Edward joined in, "Alice, you know I'll stick with you no matter what."

From the kitchen, Esme smiled, albeit bitterly.

Her family was getting along the best they had in years, and one of her daughters wasn't even there to enjoy it.


Rochelle locked her doe blue eyes with Priyanka's brown, and silently asked the question.

Yes or no?

And Priyana answered by lifting her head towards Rochelle's, pressing her pale peach lips against the other girl's plump pink ones.


"NO!" Alice wailed.

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